Risk is the most common topic that comes up in our conversations with entrepreneurs and so each week we ask entrepreneurs to talk to us on the record about how they think about risk.

Gene Folkes | Hedge Fund Partner & Management Consultant

My thoughts on risk centers on it’s potential to affect positive change. Typically, most of us, when considering risk, mention it in a negative connotation. However, when considering alternatives, seeking solutions, and identifying areas for improvement, risk is necessary to transform organizations, so that, they can improve the products and services they offer to stakeholders, and consumers. In my career as a Management Consultant and Wealth Manager, my responsibility to my clients and my organization was to identify those risk factors that could negatively impact a clients portfolio and to diversify their portfolio to minimize the downside. As a Consultant, our primary function is to assess and analyze potential risk to protect our clients exposure to unforeseen liabilities, identify potential opportunities they can capitalize on in order to increase organizational value and improve internal efficiencies. Read more>>

Ruby Wilke | Owner of Bailey Farms and Bakery

I feel about risk taking? Every business decision I have ever made came at a risk. Will I be successful? Will I make a profit? Will I regret this decision? Will this make my family’s daily life suffer? These are all questions I asked myself before starting Bailey Farms and Bakery. I had owned several business before this one, that never really worked out. I built Bailey Farms from nothing, dirt and some seeds. I had lots of help from my children and partner. They have supported me through the entire process. In March of 2020 we were getting ready to expand our store into a full bakery. Bailey Farms was going on its 6th year of being open and proving to be successful. The pandemic began to set in, everyone around me was closing down. I was being told not to risk the expansion I would not be able to get help physically or financially, that it would devastate my business. I had been dreaming of this opportunity for years. I had saved every dollar we had made to expand. Read more>>

Neiman Sherrard | Barber

I honestly think you have to take risk in life to be successful. One of my favorite quotes is “You miss 100% of shot you don’t take” , and I believe it’s like that with risk as well. I didn’t know being a barber was going to be career for me a year and a half ago. I took a risk by picking up a pair of clippers and it worked out in my favor. To everyone out there contemplating on doing something, just go for it, you never in where it could take you. Read more>>

Sheyli Divine | Model

I am known to be spontaneous and like taking risks. It always starts with I want to do it but I am scared. In a way, my mind slowly starts visualizing what could happen if I just do it. I start wondering will it be good or bad either way life is short and what can be fixed will and what can’t well that’s part of life and I move on. I try not to pressure myself to do anything unless I genuinely want to. I stop and always ask myself before I do if this is something I genuinely want to do? and most of the time I say yes and do not regret it. I always think if I didn’t take this risk then I wouldn’t have been in this amazing opportunity. It has definitely open way more doors for me and I am always glad at the end I did it. My career has taken me to places I haven’t even had the chance to dream about. In life, it has put in amazing moments that I didn’t even think could be real for me. Read more>>

Chris Smith | 3D Artist/Animator and Graffiti Mural Artist

I try to take calculated risks instead of “just sending it,” so to speak. If I’m attempting something new and I can imagine myself doing it, I know I can try and go for it with a certain degree of confidence. I leaned this from skating, but can apply it to all sorts of situations, including my art. Of course, the confidence of progression only comes with years of self-critical practice. Read more>>

Jenny Bhatt | Writer | Literary Translator | Literary Critic | Podcast Host (Desi Books) | Writing Instructor (Writing Workshops Dallas)

I’m actually a pretty risk-averse person. That said, if I look across my close circle of friends and family members, I’ve taken the most personal, financial, and professional risks by taking on new ventures and opportunities. The reason is that I never act on mere impulse. I do a lot of homework. I circle a new project for quite some time before I consider myself ready enough to take it on. This doesn’t mean I always get everything right and know what I’m doing. But I’m better-prepared and, therefore, able to keep my wits about me when things go off the rails. This has been my approach for the longest time. This means I sit on a new project for ages, sometimes. But I do take on more new projects than many people I know. Read more>>

Colin DuCharme | Handmade Linocut Prints & Jewelry

Risk taking is scary, but important in putting yourself out there and bringing your dream to fruition. For us, risk-taking for us had meant putting ourselves and our designs out there, not knowing if they’d be accepted or favored. In the end. Read more>>

Mandy Guilfoyle | Co-Founder/Director of Texas Music Institute

I LOVE taking risks. That’s the spice of life! You won’t know just how far you can go in your life and career unless you are willing to take risks. The only way to fully live to your highest potential is to create that idea or opportunity and go for it. If you fail- that’s ok! You took the risk and put yourself out there, and now you have valuable insight to support yourself next time. Risk taking is essential for growth. My entire career has been built on taking risks and “going for it.” I started my career as just a performing professional musician, thinking that was all I wanted to do with my life until I felt the call to teach music. While the prospect of switching gears from full-time performing only to a mixture of performing and teaching was scary, I knew it was the right thing for me. I felt it in my gut! I took the risk and decided to pursue a master’s degree in music education. Read more>>

Denilson Sibrian | Photographer & Videographer

I think risk taking is the only thing that will take people far in life. I used to not be a risk taker but as I grew up I realized it’s important to, cause if you fail you learned something out of it and possibly even try again. I took the risk of leaving a job to pursue photography and 2 years later I’m still doing what I love. Read more>>

NuSoul | Recording Artist

Everything I do, especially with music, is a risk. If I want to continue to grow, and innovate, and expand, that means i always have to dabble into uncharted territory. Finding new sounds, exploring different techniques with my voice (whether rapping or singing), writing about various themes.. It’s all a risk. But, that’s one of my favorite parts of being an artist. I keep my audience on their toes, and at the same time, I get to challenge myself and my creativity every time my pen hits the pad. Read more>>

Akellia Stewart | Shoe Designer & Artist

Risk taking is the reason I’m where I’m at in my business. If I didn’t take a risk on myself and my dreams with owning my own business I would still be working for someone else. I had made the decision that I was ready to be a full time entrepreneur and it took a lot of courage for me to get in that space to be brave enough to go all in. I decided when and how I was going to do that so that the transition would be smooth for me and my son. Once I decided to move on opportunities started to open up more for me. It was the best decision of my life. I realized that I was holding myself back from my on opportunities. Read more>>

Terrance Smith | A Believer, Son, Brother, Friend, Uncle & a Dang Decent BBQ Smoker

You have some people that call it risk and other community’s refer to risk as discernment. I lean more toward having a spirit of discernment. I rely heavily on my instincts to determine what feels right when making moves. Its actually quite simple! Its important that you make decisions based on things that are natural and avoid making emotional decisions. Those are the worst! There is no need for you to go through that. Take it from the horses mouth (ME) and flee!!! Risk are equivalent to relationships. If it feels natural then its probably the right decision. However if issues and situations present themselves early on then its possible you navigated that incorrect. Ill give you an analogy at no charge… Think about approaching animals. Lets take a dog for example. If the dog is wagging his tail, whimpering, pulling toward you and jumping then its safe to say he/she likes you. In other news; if the dog creates that hump in their back, growling, barking or simply shows no emotion towards you. Read more>>

Nicole “Heaven” Mosley | Curvy Model

Taking risks has played a huge role in the success of my modeling career. Had I not taken a step outside of my comfort zone, I would have never known I had the potential to enter into the modeling arena at all. I always thought models had to look a certain way (industry standard), but pushing through the curvy model era has become a positive and empactful way to encourage all size models that anything is possible if you just take that first step!. Read more>>

Brionna Taylor | Multimedia Journalist and Filmmaker

I truly believe there are no risks when whatever you are seeking or going after is a part of your destiny and purpose. It all leads you to the course of your life. When it comes to “risks”, I always ask myself, is the potential reward great enough? Does what will be gained outweigh if I just didn’t take the chance? I don’t take risks just for the sake of it. Every single thing I do is calculated. Risks also weigh more when you don’t have a long term plan. You have to know where you want to end up and then subtract years to apply the pressure and create a better sense of urgency. When you do that, risks are viewed differently. However, there is no greater risk than time wasted! You can make money back, you can repair relationships, but you can not get time back. I ultimately believe the role risks played on my life is it has caused me to get rid of the hesitation of fear. It allows you not to be stagnant and actually propel you ahead and help you to not be regretful. It’s allowed me to live a full life ahead of my years. Read more>>

Lindsey Dalton | Content Creator & Home Remodeler

Some of the biggest risks I’ve taken in life—like moving to New York without a job—are when I’ve learned and grown the most. Risks remove you from your comfort zone and it’s amazing what you’re capable of when you’re forced to adapt. Times I’ve played it safe and didn’t take the risk—like not studying abroad in college—have become my biggest regrets. You’re way more likely to regret a risk you didn’t take than trying something that didn’t work out. Read more>>

Jonathan Armstead | Musician & Partnerships Manager

Jim Carrey once told a story about how his father used to desperately want to be a comedian. However, his father didn’t think he had what it took and decided to take a “safe job” as an accountant instead. Several years later, he was let go from that job and Jim’s family was thrust into poverty. The moral of Jim’s story is that you can play it safe and STILL fail, so why not go for it? Playing off the comedian theme…it’s like telling a joke in a room full of people. The downside is no one laughs, there’s some awkward silence and you learn from it. The upside is you have the place in stitches and you’ve made their day better. That’s how I view risk. Life is short and I’ve learned quickly that it’s a bigger risk to not pursue your goals than it is to go after them. What’s worse? Not getting your dream job? Or being stuck in a career for 30+ years that you never really wanted to do in the first place?. Read more>>

Jon Danforth | Musician

Risk has been instrumental in my life. Most of the best things in my life were born out of taking some sort of risk. Thinking specifically about making music, when you spin songs out into the world you always run the risk of them being rejected, misunderstood, made fun of, or ignored. On the other hand, there is also a chance that they could make someone’s day better, or make someone feel less alone, or give words to someone who didn’t know how to express what they were going through or feeling. The more you risk and see positive returns from that, you build your confidence and you’re able to continue to progress as an individual and an artist. You also find out that most of the time, the bad things that you think will occur when you take risks are not nearly as scary when you get on the other side. Taking smart risks is necessary if you want to grow as an artist or entrepreneur and I would encourage everyone to go out and take a risk today!. Read more>>

Gurie Sheffield | TV/Film Actor & Billboard Model

Every risk I’ve taken professionally has been to my benefit so far. My whole life I been a very reserved person. Only when I started branding, I understood how important it is to take risk. Taking chances can be a gamble sometimes, I’m still learning to deliberate the pros & cons. It’s worth the challenge, I’ll be more satisfied knowing I did than miss a big opportunity. Read more>>

Courtney Willis | Co-Founder, Mission Regan

For most non-profits, especially in the past year, every year we operate there is going to be pretty significant risk. The economy has a huge impact on our donors, so it also has a huge impact on the funding we are able to bring in. I think that so many organizations and small businesses see normal, every day continuation of operations as somewhat of a risk lately. Thankfully, we were able to help a lot of people in need locally, and hospitals/clinics were still donating medical supplies for us to give to them, so we were able to continue operations on an even greater level than the year prior – 25% greater. Since we established our 501c3 in 2013, Mission Regan has grown exponentially each year. This is awesome, but it also means that our budget has followed that same trend. Each year we press forward trusting that funding will come in, and I suppose that also means that we are risking everything if it doesn’t. For us, it is about trusting that God is going to provide what we need for each year. Read more>>

George Rosaly | Art Curator, Actor & Educator

Moving from Houston to Los Angeles was the biggest risk I ever made and something I would never regret. I sold everything in my apartment, packed my bags, left my career as an Assistant Principal, and took a road trip to LaLa land. It was definitely a scary experience and as soon as I arrived, I had an audition in downtown Los Angeles. Let’s just say, it was terrible, and I had zero experience in acting, they literally looked at me crazy. After my audition, I had no plans of where I was going to live. Luckily, I found a small hotel in central LA and I was completely lost in what I was going to do after that. I had money saved up, but the money kept dwindling down each day. I had a vision that I would go to LA and do big things, but reality hit me hard. What was I going to do? I had no money, and I had no job. With that in mind, I started looking through Airbnb and found a hostel in South Los Angeles. Read more>>

Leslie Flores | Founder & CEO

Similar to change, risk is a scary thing to many; really, it’s the fear of the unknown. My personal mantra is, in Warren Buffet’s words, “Risk comes from not knowing what you’re doing.” There is always some inherent risk with any choice, as success is not guaranteed, but I’ve never let that scare away “jumps” throughout my life. My career tends to make most people say “wow THOSE are risky jumps!” In the finance industry, I went from the sale side to hedge funds followed by investment banking; while I enjoyed each of these roles, when I was presented the opportunity to learn commercial real estate, I jumped! That was definitely “scary” essentially starting my career over in an industry where I was clueless! Riskiest career jump you ask? Actually, after a decade-long commercial real estate career, becoming an entrepreneur definitely has been the boldest, but no risk no reward! Launching Moments By Design (MBD). Read more>>

Kathie Bennett Chan | Artist

I was drawn to art from an early age. With no art classes in my small town Louisiana school, my earliest art education consisted of watching Jon Gnagy’s “You’re an artist” on Saturday morning black & white television, the “Jon Gnagy Learn to Draw” kit my parents gave me for my birthday, and art/craft projects in Vacation Bible School. Learning to sew in high school provided another outlet for my creativity, but within me there was still a huge desire for greater expression lying dormant and basically unrecognized. When I graduated from High School, I knew for sure that I did not want to be a secretary, so in college I enrolled as a nursing major. Then the life changing event happened one evening nearing the end of my first session (summer school). I met a girl who was an Advertising Design major. As I watched her glue little colored chips of paper on another piece of paper I was hooked. That’s all it took and I changed my major the next day. Having had no formal art training, I was on a huge learning curve, but I was on my way. Read more>>

Lauro Chartrand-DelValle | Stuntman/Film Director

Risk has always been a hugs factor in my life and my career since I decided I wanted to be a stuntman at the age of 8 years old! To me risk is what makes life fun, what makes you feel alive. Risk pumps the blood and adrenaline through your veins. Risk doesn’t mean you need to be careless or stupid. In my life, especially in my 31 year career as a stuntman, the majority of the risk has been calculated, planned and well thought through so I would always have the biggest margin of success. Life is a risk, so embrace it!. Read more>>

Cesar Valdes | Video Creator

In my opinion, taking risks is a big part of life. There is a thrill to losing control to the unknowns and I’m a big believer that some of my best creative endeavors happen on the edge. That place where you need to come up with ideas and push the limits of what you think you can do. Those projects are the ones that propel your growth and bring out the best of you. Very early on, I said yes to many projects I had no idea how to achieve but every time I was been able to pull them off usually exceeding expectations. You could come up with some crazy idea and I’d scratch my head at the beginning but then I would find a way to do it. Some visuals and ideas are riskier than others but I welcome every opportunity I get to practice and prove my skills. Read more>>

TÉA | Recording Artist & Songwriter

Honestly, risk taking is something that I’m still growing in. I’m not a risk taker naturally. I’ve been one to lean more towards safe rather than a leap of faith, but I’ve often heard this saying — a comfort zone is a beautiful place, but nothing ever grows there. It’s true. Fear is debilitating and it fights to hold us back. Wonderful things are often waiting on the other side of risk. I don’t mean to throw quotes and cliches at you, but “you miss 100% of the shots that you don’t take”. We don’t have forever to live and it’s important that we use the time we’ve been given right now instead of waiting for tomorrow. Taking risks, however small they may seem, has allowed me to release music to the world that I am proud of. I recently took a risk by asking people through social media to fund the release of my latest EP and music video and it worked! This wouldn’t have happened if I didn’t take the step of faith to ask. Risk taking is key especially as a creative!. Read more>>

Shaddai Pena | YouTuber & Investor

Taking risk is an important element of everyone’s successful story. It’s a need, and the only thing stopping everyone from risk taking is fear. I wouldn’t be where I am at today without risk taking, it always helped me get to the next level of what I was trying todo like some sort of a boost. This isn’t to say that every time you take a risk it will work out. It’s a 50/50 chance so I make sure every risk I take is calculated and aligns with my future goals. Read more>>

Jevelle Holt | Bakery Owner & Interpreter

Risks are beneficial to growth which leads to new opportunities and boosting confidence in your abilities. It also helps improve creativity. I have learned that the worst that can happen is that I can fail if I try and don’t succeed and if I never try, I’ll never know. They both present opportunities to grow. Read more>>

Abby Hymel | Actor & Former Model

When striving to find success and make a name for yourself in any creative field there are always risks. I was fairly young when I began modeling full time and that in of itself was a risk. I knew going into it that it would be a long road that would most likely not bring with it a consistent income, especially starting out. I knew the discouraging statistics before I began about the success rates of models and how hard it was to really get out there, even with the help of an agency. However, I still decided it was worth a shot and it will forever be one of the best decisions I ever made. When I began my transition into acting, a whole new set of risks came about. I adored modeling, don’t get me wrong, but I wanted to do more. I felt stagnant to an extent in my career. Acting was something I always loved and had thought about going into in the near future so I decided now was as good of a time as any to go ahead and take that leap. Read more>>

Unique Gilbert & Joann Taylor-Clark | Founders

Risk taking is a part of life. If you aren’t taking risks, you have truly not lived life. We took a risk in starting our own business which in itself is a pretty daunting and scary task. We knew we had a great product but obviously trying to navigate through an industry that is so saturated we had to plan out how to separate ourselves from the rest. One of the things we discovered during our market research was that there wasn’t too many products like ours that was all natural and organic. A lot of the products contained so many ingredients that consumers may not even know that are harmful for their skin. We knew our product was going to shake things up. We have simple ingredients that are not harmful or damaging to the skin. We only use quality organic and all natural oils. Targeting this sector of consumers was definitely a risk as some consumers prefer to go with what they know and not be concerned as to what is contained within the scrubs they buy and how it will affect their skin. Read more>>

Chef Khalil Jones | Personal Chef and Caterer

When you think about risk you get the feeling of uncertainty, that “what if” in your heart but the faith in your heart. Risk taking has been my life, Career wise taking risk has been a blessing in the sense of it didn’t turn out how I expected I’ve learned something from it. Im thankful for failure its where I learned the most. Without risk there is no reward, failing but not giving up creates character. Read more>>

Sydney Yeager | Artist and Educator

I suppose deciding to return to UT to pursue a second undergrad degree, and and MFA in Art was inherently risky. It required sacrifice on the part of myself, my partner and our two children, all of whom have been behind the irrational decision from the beginning. Read more>>

Brianna Woods | Chef

I believe risk taking has played an important part in my life because without risks you avoid growth. Creating something you put your heart and soul into and then sending it out into the world can be scary but I’ve learned not to look at it from a consumers point of view. I’m a creator and if I put something out it’s because I’m proud of it and confident in the product. I believe everyone should take risks, no one worth mentioning has ever played it safe. Let your light shine, life is short!. Read more>>

Ryan Matthieu Smith | Theatre, Film, and Circus Artist

The majority of my success stories all begin with my innate ability to take greater risks than most. Creating a path for yourself in the Arts requires fearlessness. Coming from a place of vulnerability, transparency, and a place that is uniquely ourselves is very difficult but also vital. I typically only move in one direction, forward. I use this tenacious momentum to conquer every obstacle. I’ve been able to experience and succeed at my many adventures because failing at something is never an option. In business, love, relationships, and art be willing to risk it all. Because the alternative to that is really the failure. Not every venture gives me the outcome that I hope for, but every single one definitely teaches me something for the next opportunity. Life is short. Create more art. Take greater risks!. Read more>>

Ezzard Dismuke | Music Artist & Producer

Risks are a big factor in life and your career without them I personally don’t believe anyone would be able to advance in there career or in life. I learned Risks Involve sacrifice an sacrifice requires Discipline. they all learn to self manage each other the more you advance in your path. Read more>>

Yakesha Jones | Make up Artist

I feel like I’ve lived my entire life by taking risks. Every morning I wake up and I am eternally grateful for all of the risky decisions that I have made in life. Of course I feel like the craziest risk I have taken in life is turning my passion and love for make-up into an actual business almost 2 years ago. I reflect, and I feel proud of myself for taking certain risks, so that I could end up where I am and who I am in this moment. Read more>>

Jennifer Barkley | Jewelry Designer

When Linn & Laurel Jewelry was established in 2014 it was my 5th business venture. Sometime things don’t work out as planned and Sometimes you get it right. Success is not always a straight line to the top. The risk involved is huge. I have learned to pray a lot about the decisions I make and ask God to be involved and guide me. When I quit my last job and set out to start my second Jewelry line it was a leap. Putting all my trust in God and my abilities and talents. Since then I have seen my work evolve every year. Quality, Design & Talent are the keys that drive me to the next level. Read more>>

LisaKay Kaye Gurney | VP of Builder Division with Superior Abstract & Title and Proud Founder of 501(c)3 Fellowship Power Lunch, Fellowship Power Lunch Veterans Appreciation, and Podcast Host on Intentional Talk

My whole life has been risk taking since I was a child of 13, to currently, and I’ve learned a lot along the way. As I walk this path of life I try and learn from mistakes. I really listen to my instincts (gut) and I’m a firm believer that if your ideas or roll doesn’t scare you, you’re not leaping into higher levels you were designed for. Your speed doesn’t matter. Forward is forward. I am so proud of my non-profit, Fellowship Power Lunch, and we celebrated 5 years strong this past February 2021, Through a vision I had for 2yrs, I finally overcame the fear and we launched February 2016, and to this day, We keep booked out with incredible International & National recognized speakers, authors, radio/TV commentators, who come and share their wisdom, knowledge, motivation, inspiration, every month. I didn’t have a handful of speakers, had no idea what to expect. However, I did know in my heart and soul, we needed something special to connect business minded people together. Read more>>

Latoya Hamilton | Founder, Wider Lane

I think “risk” can sometimes be thought of as a scary endeavor in our lives, but I see it as a much-welcomed challenge and opportunity to evolve as a person, and to live my live to the fullest extent, whether that comes in the smallest to the largest form, both personally and professionally. One of my many mottos that I’ve embraced over the past years has been, “living life fearlessly”. I first started using that phrase as I was being pushed on a swing over a rice field between coconut trees, high atop a hill in Bali, Indonesia. The thought of this swing breaking and landing at the bottom of this rice field crossed my mind, but I thought, “how many times will I ever have the opportunity to experience this moment?”. Each time I’ve decided to pursue a new career opportunity was a risk, but I was determined to keep pushing forward and use it as a stepping-stone to the next level. Read more>>

Zaira Chavez | Model/Content Creator

Risks play a very important part in my life. I believe EVERYONE should take risks. Life goes by way too fast. Putting yourself in uncomfortable situations is where the real growth is. The confidence follows with you staying true to yourself and not allowing fear/doubt to take over. Many things to be learned on this journey so have fun while you can. Read more>>

Benjamin Koch | Entrepreneur, Teacher, Coach

Every time you bump up against a new challenge that excites you but also triggers a fear reaction, this is a GOOD sign you are on the brink of an opportunity for growth. One thinker I admire, Bob Proctor, calls this the “terror barrier,” where the call to expand into new potentials requires releasing an old limiting belief or paradigm about yourself. These leaps of growth take intention and courage, but always pay off in some way. The only negative kind of risks are those you take while following the herd, listening to an external script that doesn’t resonate with your own intuition. Again and again when I’ve leaned into fear that was actually excitement in disguise, I’ve grown into new potentials, opportunity, and confidence. Read more>>

KEVIN ETTA | Apostle

In Christian Ministry, risk taking is an important component as I am sure it is in any venture, pursuit or effort. You are taking the risk that entails putting yourself out there in front of the general public and advertising your brand, your product and your messaging. In our case, our brand, product and messaging are enunciated and displayed through the wide spectrum of offerings we have: prayer, counseling, teaching, instruction, etcetera. And over the years since we began this Gospel Ministry and Outreach in December of 2013, we have seen lives changed, transformed and revived in truly remarkable and miraculous ways. We have trained other Ministers to also carry out the work and have seen uncanny manifestations of God’s grace and power cascade over and across from them to constituents far and near as we carved out our niche as a place where dreams come true, and lives are transformed and made brand new. Read more>>

Sapna Rad | Conscious Parent and Living Coach

I look at risk as “getting out of our comfortable zone”. Even something as simple as learning to walk we had to get out of our comfort zone and risk falling. Taking “risk” is hardwired in us, it is when we feel most alive in our lives. But somewhere we learn that staying safe is better that feeling the pain of risking and failing. we learn to avoid pain. while pain is give us a message and instead of using it as data to the aspects and areas we need to get better at, we start avoiding it. I focus on passion and joy ,it keeps me focused on the goal . when i focus on the goal and decide that it worth it ……then resilience becomes natural. It keeps me motivated in life and career. Read more>>

Aubrey Johnson | Podcast Creator and Host

I truly believe that opportunity and growth doesn’t happen without risk – but it must be a CALCULATED risk. Consider the action. Consider the consequences. What is the reward? Is it worth the risk? Does the action compromise my integrity? These are among the questions to ponder when contemplating a risk. Taking a sensible risk can open many doors for you on the other side. I’ve learned this in the personal and professional aspects of my life. In my early years, risk manifested fear within me; primarily from 2 elements: Change and Uncertainty. As I became older, I’ve learned to embrace risk, lean into it, and understand that I must stretch my abilities, and feel some degree of discomfort, in order to grow. Read more>>

Playboy Chubs | Rapper, Musician

In the music industry there is always a risk that you will always have to and sacrifices that you will have to make and that taught me that when you really want something risk and sacrifice are the main opponents that you will have to face to become successful. Read more>>

Elizabeth StJohn | Your Tough Love Bestie & Jumpstart Coach

Risk Taking. Oh man. Where do I ever start? I never used to take risks. I lived life by a checklist that I had in my head that told me who I was supposed to strive to be, and what I was supposed to do. College, Job, Marriage, Family. etc etc. There was nothing else. There was no other path. It quite honestly wasn’t until I was a senior in college looking at this path I had walked for almost 10 years and realizing that I hated it. That’s when it all changed. I remember calling my mom and saying “Hey don’t hate me, but I don’t want to go to medical school.” and all she said was “We were wondering when you were gonna figure that out.” And from that moment on I had to figure out what it was that I actually wanted to do. I picked a degree that seemed like it would get me closer to something I enjoy, I put my head down, went another $50k in debt to pay for it and crossed my fingers and hoped for the best. Read more>>

Logan Estrada (Mogli) | DJ, Producer, and Pizzaiolo

I believe taking risks is essential to personal growth! When you take risks you step out of your comfort zone and succeed or fail. Whether you succeed or fail you will still learn something. If you fail take a moment to realize what you did wrong and use that to your advantage! Most people choose to not take risks because they’re afraid of failure. Not taking risks will leave you stagnant and in the same place you started at. I’ve taken risks in my career and life by forcing myself to be in situations I wasn’t comfortable in. I wanted to progress and become better but the only way I could do that was to make myself vulnerable and risk it for the biscuit as I always say. For example with Djing live you need to be able to read a crowd. You might think the next track you’re going to play is going to be a hit…. But you don’t know if you should play it or not because of how the crowd will react. Read more>>

Brielle The Fairy | Painter and Creator

Whether it’s being nervous to meet a new person, playing around with money and making huge mistakes, or even deciding to just try something new; taking risk has gotten me where I am today. I had no clue my business was going to take off the way it did. I loved an art show a friend invited me to and decided I wanted to put myself back out there. I wasn’t prepared at all, but I knew what I wanted to do so…. I DID it. Although I was very optimistic about selling something my first night, I also tried to remain logical. Ironically, logic showed me that selling my Fairy Merch was the most logical thing ever. After I made my first sale, my eyes lit up and a fire was sparked in my spirit again. I knew I wanted to spread my message to the world and I knew I was worth it. Without taking the risk to reaching out to people, being strong, positive, and allowing myself to be vulnerable I wouldn’t be where I am today. I’m happy I got of of my comfort zone. No matter what being yourself takes courage and I love learning and growing. Read more>>

Trevor Millet | Owner of TM Impressions Print + Design

As a business owner, I always consider the risk versus reward when making big decisions. Any risk should be well thought out and researched, but a decision should also be made with timeliness. Even the best gamblers in Vegas calculate risk very well. On the other hand, the saying “with risk comes reward” has never been more true in 2021. I think the best risks are the ones that are a minimal risk to you but may be more of a risk to others. In other words, play to your specific advantages. Read more>>

Nancy Proehl | Boutique Owner

I’m a huge risk taker! Which has helped me by not overthinking so much about how it might end or how it might not work out. My parents always told me that if you overthink things in life, you might regret never doing that thing you wanted to do. So in life, a few things haven’t worked out but I look back and think I’m glad I tried cause I would’ve never known. In my career I just do the best I can and try new things and don’t ever look back about how it might not work. Read more>>

Ashley Sharp | Executive Director at Dwell With Dignity

I used to be afraid of everything, especially of failure. So I refused to take risks- I put myself out there some, but only in situations where I felt reasonably assured of my success. Then one day, I had an epiphany- my life was never going to change unless I changed first. I didn’t want to be the girl behind the curtain- I wanted the microphone. But that meant I had to take action, and it had to be bold action. I started applying for jobs, boards, and leadership groups that I wanted to align myself with. I got accepted into the Doctorate program of my dreams, landed my perfect job at Dwell with Dignity, took on leadership positions. Did I get rejected from things? Of course! But I also joined groups and got opportunities that I never would have imagined before. Risk taking is scary, sure- no one wants to be turned down. But you know what is even scarier? Waking up in twenty years and wishing you had done something differently while you could have. Read more>>

AlphaMoses | Artist

Risk chasing can be quite addictive for me. I love to think about the endless possibilities and just how far or extreme a situation can go when it comes to choices I make with my music career. I can one hundred percent say that without most of the risks I took, I wouldn’t be where I am today and I probably would be nowhere. Sometimes we learn the most valuable lessons from our most horrible and memorable losses. Risk has taught me not to let failure define my moves and career. I put out a project and I dump a lot of money into promoting it, knowing fully well that the project could still do worse regardless, or it could garner the most attention it ever has. Wording things differently or saying controversial stuff is also a risk i take with my music. Although I try not to be too controversial, I’ve learnt to take the risks when necessary and laugh at the outcome when it goes south. Life is good like that 🙂. Read more>>

Andrew Yao | Insurance Broker

As an insurance agent, I’m risk averse. Just kidding! Risk has played a major role in my life, otherwise I wouldn’t be where I am today with Decisive Insurance. We all take a certain amount of risk in the choices we make every day, so why not make choices and take chances on things that will help you move forward in your goals? For example, after I graduated college, I had a pretty safe job working with family in commercial real estate. Even though it afforded me a good life, I just knew it wasn’t what I should be doing. After a few years there, I took the risk to move to Scandinavia. Nothing was familiar or comfortable at first, but by taking that risk, I was able to encounter one-of-a-kind life experiences and meet people I would have never met if I had stayed where I was. The same kind of situation presented itself when I wanted to start my own agency with my business partner, Dominic. Read more>>

Ashley Mitchell | Owner Of Ash Roc Candle

Risk taking combined with being driven and having alot of faith has taken me far in my entrepreneurial career. Being a small business owner and taking risks especially big risks can be really scary especially in new territory. I also feel personally without risk there is no growth, therefore you miss out on oppourtunities to grow your business and get your business noticed. Cash flow and being profitable is something i consider before making any decision in my business. I’ve also learned that each stage of business comes with it’s own challlenges for example marketing, sales, strategy, production and most importantly always being able to adapt to change. Read more>>

Emily Smith | Fashion Stylist & Boutique Owner

I’ve never really had to think twice when it came to taking risks. When I commit to anything in life and when I decided to commit to pursuing a career in fashion, I truly committed 100% of myself. So, every step of the way I wanted to present my absolute best self of the moment. Sometimes you take a risk and immediately after, you start to doubt yourself and think it was not worth it. That’s because you do not always see an immediate growth or benefit from the risk. You have to look at it like an investment portfolio, overtime there will be growth, you will become wiser, you will become more confident in yourself and your abilities, and you will move closer to your goals! That is exactly what it has been for me. I really believe that if you are not willing to take a risk, is this something that you really want? Do you really want that career or are you really just interested in the idea of having that career? You must be honest with yourself because if not, you’ll be running in a circle and wondering why you are getting nowhere. Read more>>

Kayla Jackson | President & CEO of Triumph Counseling Group, PLLC

Prior to starting my business, I honestly didn’t believe in taking risks. I grew up in a single parent home and my mother worked tirelessly to provide for me. So, for me, I always thought playing it safe was the way to go. At the time, I believed limited risk and liability meant creating a life of stability. My outlook on this matter didn’t change until my early 30’s. I began to realize while playing it safe felt comfortable, I wasn’t fully living in my purpose. I quickly began to realize living in my purpose would require me to take risks. Taking the risk to start my business was absolutely terrifying! Starting my business challenged me to push myself both personally and professionally. I’ve learned taking risks comes with wins and losses. However, every loss has provided a lesson to enhance my personal and professional growth. I now understand risk taking is necessary to grow and thrive in every area of my life. Read more>>

Jennifer Demel | Business Owner & Realtor

Risk taking is the most intimidating yet most vital part of being an entrepreneur. Without taking the risks, you will not get to where you want to be as an independent business owner. My husband (and business partner) and I discuss risks on a daily basis. We regularly say “If we would not have done ‘X’, we would not be were we are today.” Although, you have to make calculated, well thought out decisions, to be an entrepreneur you have to jump in with both feet and take the risks! Every thing we do is a risk. Risks are terrifying but risks create opportunity. Read more>>

DeVonte’ “Deeor” Harris | Fashion Designer/Creative Director/ Stylist

Risks are very important! Not only to bring faith to yourself, but risks can lead to even bigger results. I have taken many risks for my fashion brand (B.o.R) like moving to LA, dropping out of school, and even taking a leap at NYFW shows. Risks have given me many great opportunities that I wouldn’t have if I always played every decision safe or as I wasn’t good enough. There are always risks when you want to achieve something higher. Risks can seem frightening as though you may lose something or it seems “too big” to achieve, but the greatest moments come from taking risks! If you are taking risks for a greater cause, make sure to always have faith in yourself! BELIEVE IN YOURSELF. Read more>>

E Smith | Artist | Singer, Songwriter

I think of risks as transportation, you know, like a car. Risk taking has played a huge role in my career because it’s literally how i’ve gotten from one point to the next. Even if things didn’t work out I had to turn my car a different direction/take a different risk. It requires you to face your fear of “not knowing” or uncertainty. The more you bet, the bigger the win, also the bigger the loss. So will you take the risk?. Read more>>

Britty J | Hairstylist

Risk taking as an Entrepreneur is important because if you don’t ever take a risk you might miss your next big break! I remember when I took the BIGGEST RISK OF MY CAREER TO DATE, when I decided to up and leave Kansas City Missouri & start over from the bottom here in Dallas Texas, with not one client. The risk I took ended up being worth it and a major blessing, I made what I made back in my hometown plus more & the opportunities have been even greater!. Read more>>

Dorian Clark | Owner of Dora’s Amora and Your Personal Baker.

I loving taking risk, even though some scare me. I know it’s either going to evolve into something amazing or flop. Atleast I know I tried and learned from whatever experience it brings. Read more>>

Eric Breish | Visual Artist

As human beings, we are naturally risk averse. From the beginning of time, most people try to find that comfortable pattern to settle into. We are taught at an early age to make sound decisions like go to school, get a steady job, marry the girl who your family approves of and save for retirement. While that may be good advice for some, and I have certainly tried the majority of them, life without risk wasn’t fulfilling to me. It was only when I was pushing boundaries when I felt most alive. When I was 17, I joined the Marine Corps with my parents approval and never looked back. I traveled and moved all around the country trying my hand at different jobs and careers like music engineering, clothing design for surf/skate brands and eventually found myself in corporate America. Somewhere along the line, I felt that I had stopped taking risks. Read more>>

Mia Jeray’ | Licensed Esthetician & Lash Artist

There is no reward without any risk involved. In my experience the greatest rewards have come when I am the MOST uncomfortable or have done something untraditional. Read more>>