By far, the topic that comes up most in our conversations with entrepreneurs and creatives is risk. We’ve had conversations about risks that worked out and risks that did not. We’ve seen eyes light eye sharing about career-trajectory changing risks as well as folks sigh about the risks they wish they had taken. Below, we’ve selected and shared some of those thoughtful conversations.

Davier Godsey | Protective Natural Stylist

Risk taking is a bold thing to do, but also a decision we choose to take. In my opinion nobody can really be sure if risks will pay off, no matter how calculated they may be. But this should not stop you from taking risks. If you want your business to succeed, risks are necessary. According to a quote by Frederick Wilcox, “Progress always involves risks. You can’t steal second base and keep your foot on first.” As a young Entrepreneur risks are necessary and have played a huge part in my career. The truth is, we are faced with possible risks in and out of our careers all throughout our lives. Some are obvious wins, while others may take a fiscally responsible leap of faith. Read more>>

Thunder Walker | Wellness Lifestyle Real Estate Developer

I have always enjoyed calculating risk. It has been away of life for me. I look at what can be gained if I strengthen and stretch my abilities to focus on my rewards. I was a great student with very little patience so I knew I would not be able to sit in a classroom to learn my career skills. I enjoyed one to one active learning, kind of a training in real life sessions. So I set out in my career to learn from the best in my industry. I studied and read books about real estate. My circle of friends and family were also into real estate so I learned by examples everyday. Read more>>

Adrianne Watson | Minister, Motivational Speaker, Author, CEO

In business, I believe risk-taking is the only way to get ahead, to be innovative and to find ways to expand yourself. Risk-taking is also a form of not walking in a spirit of fear. I am someone who is not afraid to fail. Although I do not like to fail, whenever I do fail at some new task, some new experiments or product line for my natural soap company, that failure is just a way for me to learn from my mistakes. For me, I’ll keep trying until I have mastered the recipe, mastered the new task, mastered learning a new skill, etc. It is all about taking risks, not being afraid to fail, and learning from the mistakes until you become an expert in that area. Now grant it, taking risks also has a cost associated with it. Read more>>

Shakira Sergent | Business Owner, Realtor, & Entrepreneur

The definition of risk taking is “the act or fact of doing something that involves danger or risk in order to achieve a goal”. Starting a business always involves some risk-taking. Risk taking has become a valuable initiative in my life. It is vital to ones success in life. Without taking risk I would not be where I am today in life. An individual must trust and have faith in the process of becoming who they aspire to be. Betting on yourself is what I like to call it. Trusting that God the universe will see you through is very instrumental. I’ve always trusted that as long as I had a burning desire for my ambitions God the universe would not let me fail. When I say fail I do not mean you’ll always be successful. Read more>>

Alison Ezell | Doctor of Chiropractic

I think it’s important to take risks in life. Whenever there are risks, there is also opportunity. Perception is everything but your perception has a great deal to do with your environment. I’ve had to take many risks when it comes to progressing my business forward. Did all of those risks turn out in my favor?, absolutely not, but one thing I truly believe in is failing forward and learning the lesson. The more calculated risks you take the closer you will come to accomplishing your dreams, goals and desires. Read more>>

Agie Anyanya | Live Sound Engineer & DJ

Risk taking has been a major principle throughout my life experiences. I always encourage others to take risks. If you’re afraid to take risks then you’re afraid to grow. Taking risks is a key factor in growing especially in business. Me pursuing a career in a predominantly male industry was a big risk. Doubts crept up in my mind and I was afraid to pursue that career at first because of outside opinions and because the odds were against me. Despite my fears a went out on a limb and took the risk of becoming a Live Sound Engineer and DJ. If I would have listened to my first mind then I wouldn’t be where i am today. So I always take risks even when I doubt situations because you never know what will come out of it. Read more>>

Chris Kerr | Founder – Tiki Biosciences

Risk doesn’t have to be a bad word – it just depends on the risk/reward ratio. If you’re leveraging everything for something that has a small chance of being successful, and that version of success may or may not fulfill your goals personally and professionally, then it’s pretty high risk/low reward. On the other hand, if you have an opportunity to work with great people, or on a project you’re passionate about, and you’re going to grow a lot both personally and professionally through doing this, regardless of the eventual financial success of the endeavor – it’s probably a worthwhile risk. One of the best viewpoints I’ve seen on risk is a book by Nassim Taleb – Antifragile. Read more>>

Kim Messamore | Venue owner

Risks. It’s been a part of our lives since we married. When you farm, your livelihood is at risk all the time. You plant a crop in the field and hail, wind, insects, weeds—anything can come along at anytime and wipe out your crop. We put everything at risk every year. So when we moved and quit farming, taking risks didn’t seem so scary or unfamiliar. To jump off and build a venue was/is risky. But it’s also great fun to dream and see dreams come to reality. It’s like the saying says—if your dreams don’t scare you—you’re not dreaming big enough!! Read more>>

Heather Harris | Actress and Influencer

One of my favorite quotes that I live by is “God places all the best things in life on the other side of fear.” On the other side of my comfort zone lies all the blessings and success that is waiting for me. I don’t think that there is anything wrong with having boundaries for yourself and having a plan but even with all that planning, you will eventually still have to take that leap of faith. You can either look at fear as face everything and run OR face everything and rise. Even though I may be afraid, I am still gonna choose to rise to the occasion and trust that whatever happens is working towards my good. Read more>>

Ifeoma Ahuna | Business Professional & Aspiring Content Creator

I think I am constantly thinking about risks to take. As a big dreamer myself, there are so many things I want to see and do, so I feel that it is always on my mind. I think it’s definitely something everyone should consider like once a quarter, because it can leave you complacent and sure of life. When in fact, I believe the most dangerous thing is think you know everything or have experienced all there is to experience. There is so much out there! I don’t know that I execute as much as I would like, but small or big I like to try new things and definitely try tasks that challenge my mind. Read more>>

Tyler Riley | Lover, Podcast Host & Meditation Facilitator

I do not think I will ever reach my full potential without taking risks. Personally and professionally, taking risks not only increases our chances of achieving the intended response or reward, but doing so also grows us and tests our character. The key word is ‘growth.’ In my experience, taking risks can be challenging and scary, but imagine a reality without them . . .how bland would life be? With The NUDE Podcast as a starting point, I am interested in reaching my own, magical potential, and I intend to help others do the same. This task requires a level of vulnerability and risk-taking that I refuse to turn away from. Read more>>

Karla Nivens | Wife, Mom, Radio Show Host, Author, & Worship Leader

Risk taking is scary for me and that’s why I push myself to take calculated risks. It was a risk for me to release my first CD, then another risk to start a radio show, and yet another risk to write a book. Before I started on these projects, I hadn’t the slightest idea how to complete the entire project or the steps I should take toward completion of the projects.. But I had desire and drive. However, the most important thing I have is other people around me with knowledge and experience. I’ve realized that I don’t have to have ALL the answers as long as I have wonderful people working with me who have more experience than I do in certain areas. Other people allow me to take risks. Read more>>

Kara Jean Schmidt | Hairstylist & Educator

Risk & Reward directly correlate. If you only take small minor risks in life you’re playing it safe. Small rewards can come but nothing big. The only way to have greater reward is to take bigger risks. In my career, I’ve decided not to play it safe. I want to prove to myself that I’m more than “just” a hairstylist. I set goals and challenge myself to do things that scare me. Of course, the riskier the scarier, but als0 great reward can follow. Being nervous and being excited are the same feeling. Think about it. The heart racing, breathing fast, butterflies in your tummy. Same thing happens when you get excited. Read more>>

Katie Sanders | Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, Licensced Professional Counselor

Without risk taking I would not be moving forward in my career or my life. Without risks for me would have been compliance and that is not my personality. Risks I have taken such as starting my career over in a different state, to opening my own practice, even to my family life there are challenges however the reward and feeling of accomplishment has been unbelievable. Read more>>

LaToya Robles | Chef and Owner of The Salted Crust Bakery

There is risk in pretty much everything we do. Even if you aren’t doing anything, that is a risk. The risk of missing opportunities or encounters that can push you further on this journey of life. A simple definition is the possibility or chance of loss, danger or injury. Within that definition though, I focus on the words possibility and chance. Many people don’t take the leap because the possibility of failure may be too great or overwhelming. But there is a chance it isn’t. Starting a business is risky. What if it doesn’t work? What if I don’t get funding? What if it all falls apart? These are valid questions, but I would encourage anyone to ask the opposite also. What if it does work? What if you do get funding? What if it’s successful. It can be scary and it was scary for me. Read more>>

Jennifer Morlan | Regional Manager for Dane Salon Group

The thought of taking a risk in any situation, of course is scary! However, if we want to succeed and be better today than we were yesterday, we HAVE to take a risk. The cool thing is the more risks we take,the more our self conscious and self awareness is developed. This is how I’ve learned new things, and surprisingly unforeseen opportunities have developed for me. Opportunities I never dreamt of! Only by taking risks have I faced my fear of if it would work out or not. What I learned is that I grew personally and professionally by taking risks. It can be scary, but it has been necessary for me to achieve my goals. We will never know if we don’t take that leap of faith! Read more>>

Taylor Cousins | Realtor at Compass Real Estate – Dallas, TX – Realtor on Mark Cain Properties Group

The real estate industry is a risk in itself and can be challenging not knowing what the market will bring. Being confident in my ability to represent clients in buying and or selling homes with extensive knowledge of the marketplace, I feel that the risk lowers immensely. Regardless of those outside factors I cannot control, I find that I thrive in the unknown. I love a good challenge, and have learned that without taking risk, I cannot grow further personally or professionally. I believe life is all about taking risks! Read more>>