The turning point in so many great stories hinges on a risk someone took – so we asked folks we admire to tell us about a risk they are glad they took. Check out their responses below.

Melinda Nag | Owner and Instructor, Soul Sweat Hot Yoga

When I was younger, I always knew I wanted to help people. I didnt know what that would be until a trip to D.C. my sophomore year of college led me to the Supreme Court. I knew then I was going to law school and I wanted to be a prosecutor. I graduated from law school in 2006 and was fortunate to receive a position at the Tarrant County Criminal District Attorney’s Office. I had a wonderful career at the DA’s office. I never thought I would own a yoga studio! That was not in my life plan. With a very stressful job, I needed to find an outlet. I began doing triathlons with Team in Training and later went on to complete three Ironman distance races. My legs were so tight so I decided to try hot yoga. I fell in love and began practicing daily. I loved it so much I got my yoga teacher certification a year later. Read more>>

Ezra Vancil | Singer/Songwriter

The most significant risk I took was walking away from a very secure 9-5 and throwing away plan B to pursue my creative music life as the only option. That was nearly a decade ago. I had a substantial recording/touring career when I was young. I knew what life was like living in the day to day stream of a music career. When I turned—I think—22, I was dropped from my Label. I had no other plans for life but music, so it was a tough transition to “normal life.” But, soon, we had a baby on the way, and the music was no longer paying. I somehow found an excellent career in the stream of my second love, design/art. Decades passed at that career. My music would blow up every couple of years, I’d play SXSW or get a publishing deal, and maybe tour a little on vacation, but I could never regain that former traction. All opportunities would fall apart, ultimately. Then I looked up, and I was 40! Read more>>

Leah Shoats | Entrepreneur and PR Professional

I’ve never been afraid of change, even if it’s not “what I want” in the moment. One thing I’ve learned over time is to identify the lessons out of every single experience, good, bad and the ugly. It’s important to understand what you could have done differently and/or would do again. Throughout my life, I’ve moved to places I didn’t know a single soul, quit jobs and went into a different career direction, left relationships that no longer added value to my life. It’s important to remember you must release things that are no longer on your vibration so you’re able to make room for all the things meant to enter into your life. Taking risks is part of life. Read more>>