We had the good fortune of connecting with Heather Harris and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Heather, what role has risk played in your life or career?
One of my favorite quotes that I live by is “God places all the best things in life on the other side of fear.” On the other side of my comfort zone lies all the blessings and success that is waiting for me. I don’t think that there is anything wrong with having boundaries for yourself and having a plan but even with all that planning, you will eventually still have to take that leap of faith. You can either look at fear as face everything and run OR face everything and rise. Even though I may be afraid, I am still gonna choose to rise to the occasion and trust that whatever happens is working towards my good.

Let’s talk shop? Tell us more about your career, what can you share with our community?
The best part about being a creative, for me, is that I can take every gift that God has blessed me with and merge them together to create something that inspires and impacts those who witness it. I don’t have to be just one thing because God has given me the opportunity to use all my gifts in their proper time. I began as a dancer and then transitioned into theatre where I was able to both dance, act, and sing all in one. I am most proud of the fact that I have never felt like I needed to sacrifice one part of me to serve another because as a creative they can all serve in the same space. While I was college, I gained the courage to create a platform that allowed me to use my voice to create work that inspired others to not just focus on how they look on the outside but who they are on the inside. To heal the brokenness that we carry with us rather than ignore it or mask it with makeup and clothes. From my work as an Actress, I was able to create a workshop where I use theatre exercises and my love for ministry to create a space for people to release some of the hurt/pain and transform it into power. I continue to allow God to create through me whether it is through a YouTube Video or performance or even a conversation and my daily prayer is that people see God through my work and it inspire them to change for the better. Being a creative, and more specifically an Actress, has not been an easy path. Although I love what I do, I had some peers and even older generations look down upon my career choice which unfortunately led me to do the same. As a result, rather than pouring my energy into my craft and dreams, I started concerning myself with back up plans and talking myself into wanting other things that had more stability and security. Being a creative is all about taking calculated risks and starting off, some of us have to find ways to support ourselves with various odds jobs. But that is when I learned that my faith had to be bigger than my fear of failure. I finally learned that God had given me everything I needed to be successful, all I needed to do was get to work and use my gifts because the opportunities would and will always come. James 2:18 says ” But someone will say, “You have faith: I have deeds.” Show me your faith without deeds, and I will show you my faith by my deeds.” I continue to create because I have faith that everything will work out in its ordained time. So, I will continue to go on auditions, I will continue to create videos for my channel, I will continue to host my workshop, I will continue all my work because I know that as I create, God is working on my behalf. One of the biggest things I learned on this journey and the most important thing about my brand is that it is all bigger than me. I know that everything I have endured and experienced is because my testimony serves a higher purpose and will change someone else’s life. Which is why I try to be as transparent as possible because I know that my truth has power. Although it may come from me, my work cannot be about me or solely serve me. Just like Tupac Shakur said, I may not be the person who changes the world but I can spark the mind of the person who will. I must be willing to learn and serve at all times.

Any places to eat or things to do that you can share with our readers? If they have a friend visiting town, what are some spots they could take them to?
Alright so boom. I live in South Dallas so hands down they have to experience Rudy’s Chicken. You cannot come to Dallas and not go to Rudy’s Chicken or even Fuel City downtown. Those are old faithfuls. One of the next places that comes to mind is Sankofa Kitchen; they are black owned, great customer service, and they also offer vegan options. Before COVID-19, they had an amazing brunch buffet on Sunday’s that my family and I would go to after church and I always left with the ITIS. Up next, we would have to go to my family friend’s restaurant and bar in Garland; Pangea Restaurant and Bar. For 3 months, this was the ONLY take out my mother would let us eat during quarantine and it hit every single time. Kevin, the owner, is so sweet and he truly cares about his customers. Food wise, they have everything from Jerk Roasted Lamb Shanks to Stuffed Salmon and even Kevin’s delicious Brookies. And do not get me started on his Lobster Mac N Cheese. Did I mention that this restaurant is black owned as well? Okay, just checking. Now of course after all this eating, we are gonna have to get some exercise in so we will probably go for a hike/walk in The Cedar Ridge Preserve or The Trinity Skyline Trial. I would definitely take my friend down to Deep Ellum because there is a variety of good eats and good times down there. To wrap up my friend’s trip, we gotta go to church and thankfully Dallas has plenty of options for worship such as my home church, Friendship West Baptist Church, Shoreline City, The Potter’s House Dallas, and even Social Dallas on Sunday evenings. The last spot I would take them too is The Farmer’s Market because they have some great food options from various businesses and the Rum Punch is a must have.

Who else deserves some credit and recognition?
God always deserves credit and recognition for all he has done in my life. My Mother and Father, Heath and Yvette Harris, who continue to support me and push me to go after dreams, even when I may feel they are impossible. My younger brother, Heath Harris II, who is my heart in human form. Being his big sister motivates me to continue to set the proper tone by being the best role model I can be by staying true to myself and showing him that all things are possible through hard work and dedication. My God family who continues to support me not just through their presence but through prayer as well. And lastly, I want to thank my village of friends who have become my family. My village consists of old friends and new but they each encourage me by speaking life into me and reminding me of the power that I possess. They remind me of who I am when the devil tries to make me question my purpose and I know for a fact that God speaks to me through them. I am forever grateful for all of them and do not know where I would be without their love and support.

Website: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCkXf1miBZ45NEtky1xh0eg?view_as=subscriber
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/_heatherlynnn_/
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCkXf1miBZ45NEtky1xh0eg?view_as=subscriber

Image Credits
Laterras R. Whitfield Photography Shot by D. Porter