We are super fortunate to be in touch with folks from across a broad range of industries and one the best things about that is that we are constantly learning things from them. Industry insiders often have all sorts of insights that aren’t available to the public at large and so we asked insiders from a variety of industries to tell us something that outsiders are probably unaware of.

Crystal Nerpel | Organizing Specialist

Not all professional organizers come into your home and work like Marie Kondo works. We all have our own specialties and unique working techniques. Most experienced professional organizers focus in on one or two areas of expertise and become really well versed in those areas. Specialized areas of organizing and decluttering include: residential organizing, organizing small businesses, photograph sorting and archiving, productivity experts; hoarding specialists, relocation/moving services and coaching/consulting. Read more>>

Destinee Wright | Baker & Cake Decorator

Wedding cakes are expensive because they take a LOT of time!! I’m a cake decorator (I decorate cookies too, but I do mostly cakes), and most people say “Oh, that sounds fun. You get to have a creative job! Cool.” –and it is cool! But behind the scenes, there are hours and hours of work that goes into creating these cakes! We go to the grocery store and shop, and then bake your cakes from scratch. That’s 2-3 hours already depending on the size of the cake. Read more>>

Stephanie Cortes | Baker & Patisserie Chef

When I first read this question, I tried to think of ONE thing that outsiders are unaware of. And my mind went blank…In fact, it did not go blank, but I thought about MANY things that outsiders to my industry are unaware of. But then I realized that those many things actually all belong to something, which I guess I could call…”the creative process”. I think outsiders to my industry can be unaware of the creative process of baking, because they just see and enjoy the final product. Read more>>

Kate Heihn | Co-Founder of Brookes Collective

At Brookes Collective we have a heart and mind for valuing human life. We are an ethical clothing line that seeks to empower the individuals who create our line of women’s clothing. I am the co-founder of Brookes Collective with my sister, Kimberly. We consider ourselves to be creative people and we have always found fashion as an outlet for that creativity. Kimberly and I began the journey of learning about ethical fashion and what we can do as consumers to fight the injustices of the fashion industry. Read more>>

Gisselle Rodriguez | YouTuber

As a YouTuber, there is one thing outsiders are probably unaware of. Being a YouTuber is not as easy as just uploading a video. It takes time and dedication. Many people decide to start a YouTube channel thinking it will be easy, but then quit once they realize it is time consuming and takes actual work. After talking to another YouTuber friend, I have realized that the average time it takes to edit a video is five hours. However, it also depends on the type of video. Some videos can easily be edited in about two hours and others can take as long as nine hours or more. Read more>>

Nicole Beck | Milkease Founder & President

Many people are aware that there are many benefits of breastfeeding for both the mother and the baby. However, they don’t always realize how complicated it can be until they try breastfeeding themselves. It is often said to be one of the most challenging aspects of having a baby. Every mother’s experience is different and unique. Some moms have no problems – their milk comes in, their baby latches and everything seems to work as planned. Unfortunately, that isn’t always the case. Read more>>

Jenn McMillen | Founder and Chief Accelerant of Incendio

Consumers have been using loyalty programs for so long that they are probably unaware that there’s a tremendous amount of art and science that happens behind the scenes. The first loyalty program I ever built was Blockbuster Rewards back in the late 90’s, and it was an eye-opener as to how much financial rigor happens behind the scenes to make a program work financially. Especially with free loyalty programs, there has to be enough of a reason to participate for the consumer. Read more>>

Jennifer Williams | Artist

I feel like most see waste in materials and resources used to create my work, but I try to keep my art as sustainable as possible. I use mainly books from local library discard stock and thrift stores to ensure every book has fulfilled it’s purpose. Any pages I do not use from said books get turned into void fill for shipments and thank you letters for my clients. Read more>>

Adina Porter | CEO of Sunshine Body Care

We as consumers have to be more aware about the things we put on our body and in our body. Our skin is the largest organ on our body and is very porous. Every thing we put on our skin items it absorbs 60% of that item. If you are using items that are cancer causing agents over time it can contribute to your health. I didn’t know this until I did research and it was shared with me as well. This is why it is very important to use all natural skin care products on your skin like Sunshine Body Care because it is better for your skin health. Read more>>

Barbara Pettis | Founder/CEO

This is not an industry were you wake up one morning and decide this is what you want to do. For me, I was called by God, this was my mission in life. Advocating and defending those in domestic violence you have to have the mind of a servant. I say that because we are serving a demographic that has been stigmatized by society and the victim is almost always blamed for the abuse she is suffering at the hands of her abuser. We call it “victim shaming” To do what I do and what others do, you can’t be weak at heart nor can you be timid because so many women and children are depending on you to be their “Shero” simply meaning our courage and determination is needed to enter a battlefield that is often times dangerous for the advocate as well as the victim. Read more>>

Jill Ottinger | Hairstylist

How much education hairstylist have! Y’all hairstylist take so much education to keep hair up to date. New techniques, new trends for the upcoming season, and give us all the balayage techniques! Our education doesn’t just stop when we leave cosmetology school. I have learned so much in the past 3 years than I have in all my 14 years of hairstyling! Read more>>

Stephanie Nadine Robles | Photographer

Photography seems way easier than what it is. I mean I used to think this myself before getting into it. There are so many things you learn about a camera.after studying the camera you must learn light. Then editing, which editing for me is very time consuming. I literally spend 30-40 minutes per image or so in just editing. This is why I base my pricing on my time. Preparing before a photoshoot is also time. I always try to arrive to my photo sessions minimum 15 minutes prior to the scheduled time of the shoot. I mean I can go on and on about time haha. Read more>>

Michelle Thornton | Filmmaker, Brand Ambassador, Artist, and Mentor

One thing about the film and entertainment industry that many people may be unaware of is the fact that many of the well known celebrities, directors, producers, and so on have been in the industry working their way up the ladder many years before the public even recognizes or knows their name. Consistency and hard work pays off every time. Do not quit! If you fail at something, readjust and try again. Read more>>

Tatiana Devecki | Permanent Make Up Artist

I would say how much effort and training goes behind permanent make up, a lot of people don’t really know the amount of hours and dedication that hides behind our hands. We as artist have a huge responsibility that must be met with every client. Which is to enhance their beauty and features. When we tattoo permanent brows or eyes we have a huge impact on a women’s confidence and our they see themselves. If dont deliver we can cause a lot pain and regret which is why I never stop learning and adding more knowledge is always a part of my career. Read more>>

Shaudae McMillan |Children & Adult Special Needs Respite Care Specialist – Lead Autism Awareness & Sensitivity Trainer – International Author – CEO

My industry is the Autism Community and there is so little that people know about the community that they are unaware of everything from all angles. Children and adults with autism are not all the same and it’s not a cookie-cutter diagnosis, it is a beautiful spectrum that needs love and respect. Behind the scenes, parents are suffering silently and out loud in various ways and they need to be met with compassion and action all at the same time. Outsiders are unaware of how stares, bullying, and just plain ignorance pierces these families, and health professionals are not unaware but, blatantly skipping over the fact that families that have loved ones with disabilities need additional mental health relief. Read more>>