Our community is comprised of some absolutely brilliant entrepreneurs and so we asked a few of them to tell us the story of how they came up with the ideas for their business.
Tierra Womack, MBA | Business Growth Strategist, Confidence & Wealth Coach for Female Founders
Looking back on my entrepreneurial path spanning 17 years, I realize that I somewhat stumbled upon my current business. Many of my peers, friends and friends of friends would come to me for advice on business since I was the “entrepreneur” friend but oftentimes the conversations would turn to how these women were silently suffering in high conflict relationships with narcissists and/or feeling unfulfilled in their businesses although they had the outward appearance of success and were doing all the inner “work”. I could relate to this all too familiar story and found myself sharing guidance as to how I rebuilt my life, business, self worth and confidence that these women gravitated to…hence my coaching business was born! Read more>>
Anna Cho | Mixologist
I love boba, those little black tapioca balls. I used to drink boba teas a few times a week when I was younger. But as many know, those drinks contain high level of sugar and almost 0 health benefits. So as I get older, I want to take care of myself more and try to stay away from those sugary drinks. I started to make my own fruit syrups, confitures and jams at home. When I make them from scratch, I can control the sugar level and know that there’s no artificial ingredients. Then I start mixing them up with teas, sodas and other drinks. I realized that creating and mixing different ingredients together is really fun, and I want other people to enjoy my drinks as well. Read more>>
Angelica Carr | Yoga instructor/Designer
I have been a yoga student for two decades and a yoga instructor for five years. So I practically live in yoga clothes. I always had a hard time finding fitness clothes, especially leggings, that fit my body shape. In 2017 I decided to create a line for women of all shapes and sizes. Also, our clothing isn’t just for working out. You can use it for anything from running around town to a night out on the town. Read more>>
Anayssa Israel | Custom Resin Art and Jewelry
I came up with this idea because I started stretching my ears in 2011. I wanted to find jewelry that was more delicate in appearance but not too expensive. Well, it turns out that I could make my own jewelry without the middle man and everything would be unique and custom-made. Since starting back in 2011 everything I made was for myself. Fast forward to 2021… Someone asked me to make them a chessboard, then someone else asked for some coasters, then lead to custom jewelry! Since the pandemic, I really wanted to try and find a side hustle to stay afloat and ended up with my new brand Resin Peace! now I have a full-blown website and making custom pieces for anyone who asks! Read more>>
Cara Pitts | Southern Roots Vegan Bakery Co-Owner
It started from us not knowing where to find vegan desserts quite honestly. I have always been a baker since I was child, I used to be in charge of making all the desserts for family get-togethers so it was only natural for me to start recreating our favorite desserts into a plant based version. Read more>>
Alejandro Chávez | Comic artist & Graphic Designer
I have always felt that I want to create something new, special. As a pop culture fan I decided to start a story where you can enjoy different eras of movies, fashion and architecture. That’s how DI NOIR O’CLOCK started. Earlier this year (2021), I was studying a course about storytelling for video games at Videogames Academy, a Mexican school, and that’s where my project started. Read more>>
Jourdan Boyle | Creator. Director, Post-Production Editor, Artist, Music Producer, 3d Animator, Videographer/Photographer,
If I’m still breathing, its always time to keep going. When you truly love your craft, whether that be Music, Photography, Film, Helping the Community…Whatever…Giving up is NOT an option, Giving up would be like holding your breath for the rest of your life. It’s your God given duty to give the world the gifts He gave you. Read more>>
Evelyn E. Mosley-Brooks | Pastor, Christian Counselor and Author
Giving up is not in my vocabulary. The slogan alone for my family is “The Mosley-Brooks Family Never Gives Up!’ For example, I have never run a marathon in my life. God promptly told me to run a thirteen-in-a-half-mile marathon. Something I had never practiced for; I am not one to run more than two miles without walking. I obeyed. It was one of many challenges I have faced in my life and persevered. Two in half hours had passed, and everyone had finished the race but for me. The volunteers told me it was ok to quit, and I refused. Three hours, nine minutes later, and came in last place. I finished the race! I have a motto that sometimes the turtle winds, and on that day, I won. Read more>>
TONY COLES | Dallas Music Producer
How I know whether to keep going or to give up is by never giving up. KEEP GOING. Despite the circumstance(s) you face, if you truly have a goal and a passion to accomplish in your life, giving up shouldn’t even be an option. Yes, there will be low times during the process, but after every storm there’s a brighter day that follows. Whatever it is you want to accomplish in your life, you’ll never achieve it if you give up. However, if you keep trying and hacking away at it, day by day you’ll get closer. Trust and believe in the process, and that’s facts periodt. Read more>>
Christopher Shaw | Multi-talented Artist | Musician | Poet | Entrepreneur | Photographer/Videographer
One of the most difficult questions that I’ve ever had to ask myself in life; Should I give up? I’ve been through a lot but I’ve never experienced something so simple in nature, yet difficult. A question; whose answer for the most part should be obvious. I don’t wake up in the morning planning to fail. However, I use to set contingencies for if I do. Which inadvertently sets me up for failure. The goal ideally for most people is to succeed by any means. For me that was never a question I chose to answer because in order for me to keep going, I cannot let the idea of failure or giving up take precedence. Read more>>
WES @itsreallywes | Owner/CEO-Moving U ENT, LLC; Owner/CEO-Wesley J. Hodges Publishing & Qlimate Production Group; Founder/CEO-The Hodges Foundation, Inc.
Well, it’s pretty simple. All my life I have been told, “Quitters never win, and winners never quit”. With that being the first thing you’re hearing as an upcoming youth and hearing it consistently, one has a tendency to put it to trial and error. After careful review because of well, LIFE…lol, my study has produced favorable results to the accuracy of the phrase. Read more>>