What’s Your Why?

We asked some of the most creative folks we know to open up to us about why they chose a creative career path. Check out their responses below.
I grew up surrounded by artistic people. My mom and aunts got their artistic talent from my grandfather, and my sister inherited the artist gene. I remember watching the beautiful pieces they made and being jealous that no matter how hard I tried, my art was never as good. Despite lacking artistic skills, my love for storytelling fueled my vivid imagination. When I was in first grade, I started writing Star Wars plays and handing out “scripts” to my classmates who I thought were perfect for the roles. My sister and I were constantly reading books, even to the point she made me “check out” our own books like a library. Read more>>
Being creative is a way for me to stretch my mind. Thinking of new ways to express myself and help other express themselves at the same time! Photography has been my favorite art medium to explore. Adapting my own, moody style has allowed me to find my own path in a busy industry. It’s food for the soul. Read more>>
When it comes to deciding to have a creative career, it was an easy decision because it has always been my passion since I was a young child. However, it was not easy to make the jump. Although I’ve been singing since I was two years old, written music for almost two decades, and studied music in university, after graduating college I was lost. Having a music career has always been my dream, but the need to make money and have my bills paid took priority. It wasn’t until leaving my job in 2022 after a near death health scare that I finally made the jump out of corporate America and into my dream career. I realized that I did not want to die before doing what I loved and I wasn’t going to continue being forced into a mold I do not belong in. Read more>>
I feel like everyone develops this as an interest once you make some money from it. The idea of getting paid for doing something you naturally enjoy never crosses your mind until that defining moment. Especially if the pay is substantial enough to take care of a responsibility or desire. For me, there were multiple moments where this happened. The first time was actually when I sold a canvas piece I made for my apartment. $100 was a nice sum for a 16×24 piece I never thought about selling in the first place. The next couple of times were when I was asked to design a tattoo and sketch out a design for a patent trademark. I believe that we have signs that guide us through our journey in life that lead us to the soul fulfilling interest we desire. So, I followed this path out of curiosity and it has brought me here to present day. Read more>>
Peace of mind from society and its normalities. Read more>>