Our community is filled with hard-working, high achieving entrepreneurs and creatives and so work-life balance is a complicated, but highly relevant topic. We’ve shared some responses from the community about work life balance and how their views have evolved over time below.
Dulce Luna | Wellness Owner and Creator of IZAKALI Therapy
Throughout my whole life, I have been a workaholic person. With experience, I have realized that nothing is more important than here and now. That means enjoying the moment in the place and with the person you share that time with. It was a time when I lost the beauty of life, overworking and missing time with family and friends. I learned- in a bad way- that work is only that “work.” I must balance my lifestyle because time is full of precious and invaluable moments, and overworking makes you miss that part of life and never return.
We must prioritize the most important in our lives and balance it around that to ensure we attend all unrepeatable special events. Read more>>
La Teisha Johnson | Licensed Esthetician/Owner
I am a wife and a mother of 2 sets of twins. Work life balance has been tricky over the years but I do my best to make sure that I spend plenty of time with my family while running my business. The beauty of being self employed is the ability to arrange my schedule to where I can attend field trips or take time off for a long weekend to spend with my husband. Read more>>
Ron/ebby Reed | Storyteller and AI image manipulator.
I think it’s changed as I got older. Before it was 1000% all work and no time for anything. Now it’s how can and when can I make more time with my kids. Read more>>
Brandon Fuller | Novelist, Playwright, Screenwriter
I believe this question is the most personal for me, because I’ve both prospered and stressed in this area. After graduating college in 2011, I spent most of my 20s dream chasing and juggling different jobs. The concept of work experience/history never really concerned me, so I moved to Los Angeles to chase a dream of becoming a music artist. It’s rather ironic that I quit my job at the post office in Dallas to do so, because I ended up getting a job at a call center in LA while performing shows at night to make up for the cost of living. When employers ask about the gaps in my work history, I usually have to explain the time spent given to my creative endeavors. I wouldn’t change a thing though. Read more>>