There is a wealth of academic research that suggests that differences in risk appetite are at the heart of differences in career and business trajectories.  We wanted to go beyond the theory and ask real people from the community about their perspectives and experiences with risk and risk taking.

Caroline Gibbons | Watercolor Artist

Pursuing something you’re passionate about always entails risk. In my life, each and every turning point in my career and personal life required me to step out in faith and risk the comfort of what I was used to. When I started my watercolor business, risk looked like stepping out in faith from my non-profit job, surrounded by supporting co-workers, into a brand new business on my own. As terrifying as that decision was, I counted it worth the risk because I was pursuing something I loved. There are always parts of life that make everything worth the risk: for me, it’s watercolor painting, for others it’s baking cakes, pursuing justice, running a marathon, etc. Whatever a passionate, full life looks like, it’s never achieved until we step out in risk. Read more>>

Isabel Baudrey | Founder & CEO

I have never been afraid of risks. In fact, ever since I was a little girl I was fearless and was always pushing limits and taking risks. I didn’t care if no one had never done something before, I wasn’t, and am still not, afraid to carve my own path forward. I believe being a risk taker has shaped who and where I am today, my thought process, and my business. It can be super scary to take the plunge and actually create and develop a product and take if from idea to reality. Read more>>