We had the good fortune of connecting with Eddy Herrera and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Eddy, can you talk us a bit about why you love what you do?
I love tattooing. I am IN love with tattooing. I grew up being an artist and was always the “art guy” in school. I never really thought anything would come of it at least as a career. I was always told that college was the correct route to go in order to be successful so that’s what I pursued. Once I actually got to college, I realized it wasn’t for me at all. I left after one semester and started working. I was working for about 3 or 4 years before I decided to pursue tattooing. I had friends over the years tell me I should try it, but I always brushed it off and dismissed it. Once I finally started my apprenticeship that was it. I still worked a full time job while I was doing this and eventually got burnt out and gave up on it for a year for stability and security’s sake. But I again became sick of working for someone else, and the monotony of a “normal” job. I saved some money and planned a trip to Europe. Once I got back, I decided I was going to put 100% into tattooing. I sold most of my possessions and was pretty much starting all over once I got home so I figured I’d see how far I could get pursuing what I wanted. I tattooed at various shops for the first six months or so until I made enough money to get back on my feet in the Euless area. I got the opportunity to move to a new shop in Fort Worth and I took it. I worked there for about a year before moving to a different shop and worked at that shop for another year or so before I landed where I am currently working, Sleepy Hollow Tattoos. I love being around the guys at the shop and being able to do what I love and make a living at it. The environment at the shop is different from any other shop I’ve been at in that everyone there is pushing to be better. Everyone is either tattooing, painting, creating something or just hanging out. It makes me want to be a better artist always. I get to work with my friends every day. I definitely enjoy being at work and I don’t think a lot of people can say that. I am always grateful to be a tattooer and even more grateful to be able to look forward to going into work every day.

Can you open up a bit about your work and career? We’re big fans and we’d love for our community to learn more about your work.
I’ve always tried to be a pretty well rounded artist, at least as far as “style” goes. I try not to pigeon hole myself into one type of art or style of tattooing. I do enjoy doing neo-traditonal and portrait/realism tattoos the most, however. Anything with a bold line and a fun design I usually jump at. I may have answered some of these questions with my first response so I wont be redundant. But to summarize, it was definitely a journey and it had its challenges along the way. The idea that I would be able to one day govern my own work life and get enjoyment out of it at the same time was the driving factor to keep going even when things got tough. I just want to do good tattoos.

If you had a friend visiting you, what are some of the local spots you’d want to take them around to?
Obviously, Sleepy Hollow would be stop #1. I love walking downtown, not anywhere specific. Maybe the Water Gardens. My go to bar (when we’re allowed to again at least) is Malone’s Pub in downtown. I’m really enjoying the new developed areas on South Main as well. My favorite hole in the wall place is the Montgomery street cafe. I’ve been going there since I was a kid and make a point to try and go eat there at least once a month if not more.

Who else deserves some credit and recognition?
A ton of people deserve shout outs here, but number one would be my parents. They’ve always encouraged me to be the best I can be and have always supported me and my decisions even if they didn’t always agree with me at first. My daughter, Ivory, is my reason for everything. She makes me want to be better, want to keep pushing and keep being the best role model I can be. I love her more than anything! The guys in the tattoo world that have helped me along the way, Tino Gasca, Danny Elliott, Scott Prather, Chance Webb, Josh Gonzalez and Jeramy Kitchens. All those guys have helped me in one way or another along the way and I’m forever grateful for that.

Instagram: @eddygtattoo
Facebook: Eddy G Tattoo