We asked the community to share their favorite quotes and affirmations with us. Check some of those out below.
Lindsey Williams | Nurse Practitioner
Do what you need to do, so you can do what you want to do! My mama taught me that! When I was a kid I would roll my eyes and groan when she would make me finish my homework before playing outside, or clean my room before seeing friends… at the same time I watched her work as a single mom while getting her Master’s degree all while raising me! That lesson has stuck with me forever, and I continue to live my life with the same idea. Work hard now, so you can play hard later. I ended up going to graduate school with two little ones too. It was tough, but it ALL paid off; now I get to enjoy my dream job while having a great work-life balance and provide for my family! I also now enjoy watching my kids roll their eyes and groan when I make them do their homework before playing video games. 🙂 Read more>>
Citlalli Lara-Aguilar | Founder & Owner
I actually I have two. The first one is: “Do what you can, with what you have, where you are”. I had been praying for guidance for a while, I had a newborn and we were fully renovating our home at that time; The environment wasn’t ideal, I was busy and exhausted but I knew I had to start, this quote kept resonating in my head all the time so I started with 15 items on my shop. I was not ready but this idea kept me from not taking action. The other one is on Proverbs 31 10-30 Those verses are my daily inspiration and the heart behind Mi Cielo Dallas. I love these verses because I aspire to have those attributes, to have the strength, creativity and noble character of the woman described in Proverbs 31. Read more>>
Maria Haag | Artist
I was reading Blaise Paschal’s Pensées and ran across this line: “Man is so necessarily mad that it would be another twist of madness not to be mad.” It’s something I think is true about everyone – we’re all a little crazy – and is the perfect lens to view the world as an artist. Everyone and everything has its own quality of uniqueness (or insanity). That’s what makes life so strange and wonderful. It’s a way of seeing ordinary things in a different light. Trash that blows across the road as I drive on I-35 up to Denton is no longer just trash, but the secret citizens of a fairytale that I can catch a glimpse of if I just open my eyes. A long translucent string of plastic catches on to the radio antenna of the car in front of me, floats behind and billows in the wind, and for a moment the car becomes an iron-clad knight charging whatever monster its driver is challenging that day. Then the plastic flits away towards me and catches on to my car which takes it turn at transformation. Read more>>
David C Justin | Copywriter + Star Wars Geek = The CopyGeek
In our family, we have a saying: Do what you need to do so you can do what you want to do. While it initially applied as a reminder to our children that they needed to do chores and homework before playtime, it really applies to all aspects of life. As a copywriter, I have to put in the work – the research into my craft, as well as into my clients’ industries – in order to write the copy that I want. Read more>>
Kasim Kabbara | Creative (Journalist,Photographer,Director)
“Just Hits, No Misses” a lyric by my favorite musician to ever live Drake has been the quote/affirmation I been preaching to myself when it comes to being an artist. Each day as I grow in my creative and storytelling abilities I want to out perform what I’ve done the previous day. The quote “Just Hits, No Misses” means so much to me because with my work, I want every piece of art I do to be a “hit”. The best compliment to me is when 5 different people come up to me or DM me and give me 5 different responses about how 5 different photoshoots I did were their favorite or 5 different articles/blogs I wrote they love and learn from or 5 different projects I contributed to or the most impactful to them. In my eyes that means I’m doing something right and using my abilities the right way. Read more>>
Thania Rodriguez | Registered Dental Assistant | CEO | Glowssy Whites
My favorite quote is ” Everything happens for a reason”. I personally identify myself with this quote because things happen when you don’t expect them. When you don’t plan them and most of the time it’s for good. Sometimes we have plans, goals in our life that we would like to achieve but God has something else planned for us. I like this quote because it gives me motivation and it makes me think that if something happens in that moment its because it has been meant for us. Read more>>
Be Pride | Actor & Activist
My favorite quote derives from my late grandmother and goes “say what you mean and mean what you”. That’s what I live by. Most people I would say may not like that quote because requires a sense of self accountability and also it leverages others to do the same. My favorite affirmation is one I came up with myself which is also a value that I hold. It goes like this “If you never step out then the people who are assigned to you can never step up.” That affirmation derived from the fact that we are all connected and with that we all are trailblazers and way makers in our right regarding our dreams, visions and goals, and with that we have people whom are assigned to us whether we know it or not. So if we don’t step out for the next 10 years on things visions and dreams the God has given then we stagnate and hinder those who are assigned that are awaited our guidance and blueprint in order to get going themselves. Read more>>