What’s one piece of conventional advice that you disagree with?

We love rebels and people who challenge the status quo, conventional wisdom and mainstream narratives and so we asked some really bright folks to tell us about one piece of conventional advice they disagree with.
“All good things come to those who wait” I have a love hate relationship with this bit of advice, but hear me out. It took a huge leap of courage to begin my business. The fear of not being enough, having doubt that no one would like my work or want me. The dread of not being enough or let alone making enough to pay the bills. All this rolled into a tiny emotional ball in my head. Had I “waited” I would not be where I am today, and met the most amazing people through my work. It was a push, one my husband gave me. I did wait, for a long time for something that never came. So when the time came that maybe I could make this my one and only passion. To create beautiful moments that would last forever. And freeze those intimate memories so families could cherish them for years to come, I too …. almost….waited. And I’m so glad I didn’t. Read more>>
“A jack of all trades is a master of none.” I find this “conventional” advice fallacious and discouraging. We weren’t created to pursue just one thing in life. As a cosmetologist, makeup artist and photographer, I have many trades and I plan to master them all. I believe if you are passionate about something and you put all your effort into it then you should be able to achieve any goals you set. The more the merrier is more my style. In my areas of expertise I have learned how to use the knowledge and skills developed from each industry and apply them to different work scenarios. Doing the things you’re good at is a great way to build up your confidence and develop a go-getter attitude. With a wide enough variety of skills, you could always be doing something you’re good at, constantly boosting your confidence no matter what you’ve set your mind to. It’s ok to Wear different hats. Cultivate multiple capabilities in yourself. Read more>>
When I first told people I was starting a primarily photography business a lot of people told us to make sure and nail down our “look” because that would help us get the most clients. I don’t fully disagree with this advice, but I do think dangerous territory to try and fit individual, unique clients into the same 2 presets. At Lighthouse Creative we really pride ourselves on valuing the individual. Read more>>
Keep Business Hours of 9-5. This advice I disagree with especially if you are service not retail. I don’t remember a time when I didn’t answer my phone after 5pm. The clients expect answers immediately. Of course, you need to keep your priorities in mind when owning a business. However, often owners loose business because they don’t answer their phone. A simple task yet not many business owners follow it. Answer your phone and you will get business! Read more>>
That all artists end up becoming teachers. I remember getting this question all the time when I first decided to start my business. I remember so many people telling me – well you need to go to school to learn how to teach! You’ll end up doing that anyways. This is entirely untrue and one of my life goals is to inspire other artists to realize their potential beyond teaching. There are so many things I have learned you can do with my creativity and it does NOT end at teaching. Read more>>
People always say that it doesn’t matter what people think of you. I disagree. It absolutely matters what people think about you, but you can not be consumed by the worry of what other people think about you. If I could edit the phrase, I would say, it doesn’t matter what EVERYONE thinks about you, OR what the RIGHT people think about you matters. I say that because of the other phrase I disagree with (I’m giving you a bonus). People say who you know is important. I contend that “who knows you” is what is actually important. In my training and mentoring, I tell my people all the time that you need people in rooms you may not yet have access to saying your name (in positive ways). That is how many doors are opened and many opportunities are made available. And, in order for people to want to promote you, they must think highly of you. Read more>>
The phrase “If you do what you love, you’ll never work a day in your life” always rubbed me the wrong way. Don’t get me wrong, I love being an artist; it’s everything to me. However, it’s a lot of time and work. It takes effort and a ton of trial and error. And that’s just doing the fun stuff. There’s also the business aspect to everything, and that is its own can of worms. Yes, I love it, but to say it’s not work would be a lie. Read more>>
I have worked in a variety of different environments, verticals, and companies! That means I have had access to talented, tuned-in leaders who’ve shared solid advice that was meant to empower me and help elevate my performance. This also means I have had my fair share of bad advice along the way. I believe we can learn just as much from the bad advice as we can the good. Here is what has stood out to me! 1. The space is too crowded or there are already so many marketing agencies. Do something different. This is just simply not true! Not true with marketing agencies, not true with any business. I believe with every business, in every vertical, there is room for all of us. Why? Your target audience needs you and needs how you uniquely solve problems. Figure out what makes you come alive, and do more of that. Read more>>