Ideas aren’t everything, execution matters greatly, but starting often requires an idea and so we asked folks to think back and tell us the story of how they came up with the idea for their businesses. We’ve highlighted some of our favorite stories below.
Kate Liu | Kate Liu: Founder and CEO of Lifting All Women
Lifting All Women was inspired by the gap between information and women in our local area. Looking to bridge that gap, LAW utilizes LIFT discussions, fundraisers, and service meetings by collaborating with businesses to help educate and serve the community. Read more>>
Aneesha Amina | Entrepreneur & Nail Artist
I came up with my business idea when I was a teenager looking for affordable nail salons because I had limited earning from the part-time job I was doing. However, because nail extensions were uncommon in Bangladesh due to a lack of training and resources, the few salons that did provide it charged around $100. Read more>>
Tank Gunner | A retired combat decorated cavalry soldier & an almost famous author of nine books at age 85.
My current business is writing. I’ve published a blog.
War Stories of an Armed Savage, has 200 non-fiction war stories and 350 pictures, images, and graphics about me and my combat two assignments in Vietnam. I’ve published nine books. Read more>>