The Early Days: why did you start a business

Are you thinking about starting a business? If so, we think you’ll enjoy reading about how these seasoned entrepreneurs thought about the question when they were in your shoes.
Since I was 23, I’ve wanted to venture off and explore uncapped financial opportunities as an entrepreneur. With few a years of bartending experience I decided to pursue one of many passions that I have that could advance me to the next level right after completing undergrad. Read more>>
We had zero plans to start a business. In fact, we initially didn’t even know the other was doing an end-of-life doula training. When we found out, conversations started to flow and the inspiration just kept coming. It was almost like the path was being laid out in front of us. Read more>>
The thought process behind starting my own small business began while walking alongside my mom after she was diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer. Although my secondhand observations are far different from someone personally going through this battle, I still am able to experience a glimpse of the hardship and pain. Read more>>
I wish I had an “ah-ha” moment that I could pinpoint but mainly my process was seeing my friends, family, and other small business owners try to grow on social media or through traditional marketing means but didn’t fully understand where to start. Read more>>
Planning has always been my passion. I’m so much of a planner that I would plan my whole life if I could. However, since life doesn’t quite work that way sometimes I also go with the flow (smile). I ABSOLUTELY enjoy using a lifestyle planner to plan out all of my daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly adventures and as well as staying organized. Read more>>
The desire to create my own roadmap to financial success. The chance to create something that will last generations beyond mine. Read more>>
I wanted to create a company that would allow me to help other Latinas in Dallas, and to be in a position to create initiatives in our community with the collaboration of various stakeholders. I strongly believe that more people in our community should know about personal finance, especially in these times of economic uncertainty. So I started Adelante Texas. Read more>>
I have always had an entrepreneurial type of spirit, I had a brick and mortar clothing store and a successful designer accessories online store at one point. It’s a lot of work and trial and error but what I realized is it’s also when I enjoyed what I was doing the most. Read more>>
A Hundred XOXO was created because I wanted to create a space for women to feel empowered to prioritize self care in their lives. I was coming from a place personally of being unfilled with my career, grieving my grandmother, and divorce on top of being a mother to 3 kids. Read more>>
I didn’t set out to start my own nail business, I have always loved getting my nails done, but the color, shape and nail art didn’t look how I wanted it too, that’s when I started cosmetology school to learn and understand the process of doing nails. Once I started school and started learning, I fell in love and that’s when I knew this was the career path for me. Read more>>
I love everything about bartending: from creating cocktails to the memories made while others are enjoying them. After slanging drinks at private events for friends and family, my own mobile bar service felt like the perfect move. A big bet on myself that was nerve-racking at first but definitely worth it. Read more>>
I’ve always loved working with people to help them solve problems through empathy, technology, and process improvement. This is at the center of every role I’ve taken during my 26-year IT career. One day while at work, a colleague reported to me that one of the computers that he and I use to run demos for potential customers was running slowly. Read more>>
I’ve always been very entrepreneurial and knew that starting my own business would be part of my path. When the opportunity arose to do my own project I jumped on the opportunity and went full steam ahead. I’m lucky to be raised by parents who always reinforced independence and instilled self confidence that I would succeed with enough hard work. Read more>>
I knew in high school that I wanted to create a performing arts center that centered black and brown voices and had an education program for kids and adults. I wanted to learn every part of the business hands on. Read more>>
We both became realtors because of the feeling that we received when purchasing a home and wanting to see that same joy and happiness on a new home owners face when they receive their keys. Real estate has always been a passion of ours, and working together has made our enjoyment unmeasurable. Read more>>
There wasn’t really a ‘’thought Process’’ when creating my business I’ve always known I would be in the Beauty industry wether it’s makeup , facials , massages or waxing as a child I loved it all especially making others feel pretty. I was actually almost born in the beauty shop my mom is a hairstylist of 30+ years and went into labor while doing hair so I was destined to be involved in the beauty industry somehow. Read more>>