Taking Risk is essential, but how much, when and why? Taking risks effectively is as much of an art as it is a science and we’ve asked some of the brightest folks in the community to tell us about how they think about risk taking.

Devan Renea | Writer/Producer /Creator

In the entertainment industry risk is everywhere, especially as it pertains to navigating the pathways of your career success. When I initially started out in the game, I took MAJOR risks because where I come from opportunity, very much like time, waits for no one. Like the mantra of a true hustler I believe, “you gotta get it, or you’ll get got.” Read more>>

Elizabeth Ku-Herrero | Co-Founder & Director at Super Dope

I believe taking risks is necessary to change and growth. By taking a risk, you are putting yourself in a position where real failure is possible but so is real success. Risks have been huge catalysts in my life and career. After high school, instead of going to an art school, I went to a public state school. I didn’t believe I could make a good living off art so I wanted to have options.  Read more>>

Cedrice Glenn | Photographer & Videographer

Being a risk taker and being an entrepreneur does not always mean creating a business blindly and then expecting great results. Taking risks in entrepreneurship can be difficult because there is always the thought of how can you compete but bring creativity and be incompatible . I do believe you must become comfortable with the risk ,not only with photography, but with who I was as a person. The camera soon became my strongest and most distinguished voice. It served as the tool for how I expressed myself, and soon became an avocation. Read more>>

Keidrain Brewster | Trucking Company Owner and Best Selling Author

Without risk taking we can not go anywhere. We have to take risks to become successful. I took a risk on getting my CDL and it changed my life, I took a risk on getting my own truck and trailer and now I have a whole fleet. Risks are necessary. Read more>>

Maggie Escobar | Mother of three and Restauranteur

How do i think about risk: Life is already a risk, but sometimes i find myself on taking a risk to be able to solve priorities in life, but it is also like a passion to learn and grow as a person. Once i take the risk it is like driving a train, I can not stop where i want to stop but also i have to drive carefully without crashing and kill every on on board. Read more>>

Tanisha Dunham | Photographer, Owner Of Light Lens Photographer

I strongly believe risk taking comes with faith. It’s believing something far beyond what you can physically see. I used to struggle with fear, until I got tired of wondering what was on the other side of it. I decided to take the first step from being a teacher in the classroom to a full time photographer because it was something I’ve always wanted to do. I absolutely love people and capturing their lives. Read more>>

Sidney Warren | Yoga instructors and dentist are health professional so one can be fit inside and out.

Risk isn’t the bogeyman, it’s the driver for your goal. I say this because, risk and calculating the risk benefit in business is what separate those who are employees and elevators. Read more>>

Brittany Wilson | Seamstress & Boutique Owner

I chose a creative career because naturally I am a creative. Growing up as a child I had visions and goals to be a fashion designer. I can remember the joy it would bring me to sit and check out fashion shows and just being to put my own twist on retail clothing that I knew no one else would have. As I grew older I lost sight of that and went toward what was normal and what was taught which was to go to graduate, go to college, and get a job in that field. Read more>>

Robin McCasland, SCMP | Communication Executive & Engaging Speaker

By the time I was a young adult I’d developed some unhealthy fears and phobias. I was afraid of heights and of flying. I was also shy and didn’t like having to interact with strangers. But I also wanted to succeed in my career – communication – and that involves being able to converse and present to all kinds of people! Read more>>