We had the good fortune of connecting with Jacky Fae and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Jacky, is there something that you feel is most responsible for your success?
The most important factor to me is to keep God 100% first in every decision that you make. You literally have to fail multiple times in order to be successful. Even on days you feel the worst or laziest you have to find the energy to do something to help further your business. Like I always say, you are your biggest enemy, but you will will in the end. So, to answer your question, I would have to say never give up.

Alright, so let’s move onto what keeps you busy professionally?
The lesson that I have learned in the makeup industry is you always treat people better than you want to be treated. Customer service is what I feel I offer to my clients. I make them feel relaxed in a clean and comfortable environment. They can come to me cause they want to doll themselves up. I have clients that just come to get makeup to hang around their house and take selfies. I like to make people feel good about themselves with or without makeup. I also have started hosting makeup workshops so the everyday person can learn how to apply simple makeup for daytime and nighttime looks without going through all the complicated steps.

Treating a client right makes them want to return which is great for business. Also, I am always busy learning new trends and trying to create my own. In this line of work you have to keep pushing to be the best you and that within itself is busy task.

Any great local spots you’d like to shoutout?
The best spot in all the DFW area is my makeup studio located in Desoto.

*Classic Beginnings- Eugeney Bailey is a dope plus size designer.

*Queen Physics- Valerie Mason is a personal trainer who believes in your health 100%!

*Black Girl Speak Spanish Too Facebook- Cree Perryman teaches Spanish to black families.

Who else deserves some credit and recognition?
I want to take the time out to give a major shout out to all the photographers that I have worked with over the years who have pushed me out if my comfort zones and made me challenge my gift to new heights. They have brought me into a new world of editorial and high fashion makeup. The following are photographers that have been patient with me and made magic happen: Clint James, G.Lee Gordon, Marcus Perryman, Cy Davison, and Charles Gbadebo, Cateyephotographysinclair

Instagram: @beat_by_fae
Facebook: Jacky Fae
Other: Snapchat: @Jackyfae Email: beatbyfae@yahoo.com

Image Credits
Photographers: *@mclintjamesphotog *Charles “City” Gbadebo (@sosocity) *G. Lee Gordon *Weyni Kahsay *Marcus Photog *@evettesphotography Clients: *Azaiyla Lovetta *Cimoya Lovetta *@aijhayvanna *Vesha “Vee” Royal *Carmen Perry *Bash Kouture *Kendal Wooten *Dejon Marie *Amora Nicholson *@taevino *Ekemma Mba