Are you a risk taker?  Do you think you have a stronger appetite for risk relative to your friends and family?  We asked some folks from the community about their approaches to risk and have shared their thoughts below.

Greg Garcia | Founder, Proletas

I feel that risk is basically the price that you are willing to pay, in order to achieve whatever goal or mission that you are on. I view it as a balance: the pain, hurt, emotional damage, and/or financial loss versus the achievement, the win, the completion of the task. There’s the chance that you will have to pay it all, and still not win, as well as the chance that you won’t have to pay any of it, and come out on top. I see risk as a painful reminder of the stakes of the game that we play, and one that you can mitigate to an extent, with proper training, practice, experience, guidance, due diligence. Read more>>

Jessica & Brian Henry | Jewelry Makers

We wouldn’t be where we are today without taking risks. When we moved from Southern California to the DFW area after spending all of our savings on a backpacking trip around Europe, that was a crazy risk. In the beginning of Tesoro Jewelry, we purchased a ton of equipment, not totally sure how to assemble or operate. Every time we start a new project or work with new metals, we never know how it will work out. Each of these risks were scary in one way or another but they were cornerstones in building our business. Read more>>

Kelly Blackall | Professional Photographer | Weddings, Seniors, Family

Risk-taking has played a huge role in my life & my career as a professional photographer. My family moved to Texas when I was about 13. Not knowing anyone and making that move was a huge risk- but I am so grateful my mother took that leap of faith. I think that one decision she made was such a huge turning point in our lives and it has definitely given me the courage I needed for the challenges & decisions I’ve had to make. I think because of that pivotal moment, or maybe it’s just in my genes, I’m generally not afraid to take those chances! Read more>>

Tarnesha Sanders | Inspirational Speaker & Designer

Three things comes to mind when I think about risk. Number one: You either take the risk or lose the chance. Number two: Your mindset, Everything is a risk. Not doing anything is a risk. It’s up to you. Number three: Life is all about taking risks. If you never take a risk, you will never achieve your dreams. Risks has been a big part of life and helping me step out of my shell. I am such a shy person but at the same time, I realize that my life purpose is much bigger than me. The purpose of your life gift is to share it. I would be stingy not to share what I was put on this earth to do. My motto is to do something every year that scares me. Read more>>