How did you come up with the idea for your business?

Our community is comprised of some absolutely brilliant entrepreneurs and so we asked a few of them to tell us the story of how they came up with the ideas for their business.
I was tired of doing the same workouts week after week at the same gym. My body wasn’t being challenged anymore and I anticipated the next movement before the trainer cued it. I was getting bored with the same activity and wanted to branch out. So I did, but it got really expensive and clunky balancing several memberships and logins. That’s when I decided to launch StudioHop, so I could work out at all kinds of studios–Pilates, yoga, spin, barre and more. And it turns out lots of other people wanted variety too. Once I got the variety, I started to feel stronger, more confident, and I was having FUN with my workouts. When your workouts are fun, you stick with it. When you stick with it, you get results. Read more>>
We made the decision to start Float & Sting Marketing to focus on video production and social media advertising because we have a passion for creating quality video content, and social media campaigns were generating strong leads and sales for our clients. We were running our previous agency, Ascend Concepts, and we were finding that running a full-service agency was becoming more and more draining. As we became more proficient in video production and were finding success running social media campaigns for our clients, we decided to become more niche and focus on these services. There is a growing demand for video content for companies of all sizes, and social media advertising on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and TikTok get phenomenal returns on ad spend when done well. Read more>>
Have you ever questioned your purpose? Have you experienced failure after failure that you wanted to just throw in the towel? I’m sure we all have but one thing for sure, those failures will turn into success! In 2018-2019 I experienced episodes of anxiety. The space I was in was dark and gloomy. I couldn’t see anything past it, I was lost. The job I thought was going to be my “long term career” became just another job to clock in and clock out to. I knew I was destined for something so much better, something that had my name written all over it, something that spoke GREATNESS! In the year 2016, I started my fitness journey. Day after day I started to fall in love with the lifestyle. The physical transformation was one thing but it was more so the way I started to feel inside. Read more>>
It all started about 6 years ago back in San Diego, I has surfed my whole life and one day I was out in the lineup when I saw a fellow surfer with a camera in his mouth. I asked what it was and he replied “Gopro” after I finished my session I went home and googled Gopro and was amazed at the images people has been capturing of waves and surfers, I bought one shortly after and I was hooked! I wanted to share with people what I saw out in the ocean. I eventually upgraded to a sony mirrorless camera and water housing as I wanted to capture higher quality images which led to me selling fine art prints for home’s or businesses. One day a friend asked me to take fitness photos of her, as I posted on my social media account I started receiving more inquiries for photoshoots. Read more>>
Smoking BBQ started as a hobby, that led to lots of cooking of lots of meats. This led to my wife encouraging me to try to sell it (since she was secretly tired of eating it). So we invited some friends over on a weekend for some BBQ and to get feedback from them to see if what we were smoking would actually sell. All the feedback from our weekend with friends was nothing but encouraging words and how great everything tasted. So Memorial Weekend was coming up and we decided to advertise on our neighborhood social media pages and our personal social media pages to allow our neighbors and friends an option to buy from us. The first weekend of Big Country BBQ was in May of 2016 and in July of 2016 we would purchase our 1st BBQ Smoking Trailer we could pull to events and give it our best shot. Read more>>