If not giving up was always the right answer life would be so easy. History shows us that sometimes quitters prosper and sometimes they miss out. Knowing when to quit and when to keep going is one of the most difficult questions and so we asked folks we admire to tell us how they think through this question.
Diya Craft | Vocalist & Publicist
If something no longer fulfills your spirit or makes you happy then it’s time to give up, but until that moment keep going. Take breaks when you need to and if something is your passion then keep putting in the work because it will pay off one day. Read more>>
Uriel & Deborah Tovar | Photographer & Videographer
There’s moments where we have wanted to give up and we have no motivation. But what keeps us going is taking a step back and reminding ourselves that we are doing this for our clients . We are capturing their “LifeWorthy Moments” and that honestly brings us so much joy and it brings our motivation back. Pictures and video is the only way that we can go back to a moment that was so special to us. That alone is so rewarding and so inspiring to keep this business running. We love what we do & eventually we want to make this into a full time career! With the help of God we know that one day that dream will come true! Read more>>
Lynn Jenkins | President, CEO Sydoni Skincare and Beauty
Wow! This question evoked so many emotions! I wouldn’t be truthful if I said there weren’t times when I thought about giving up on my business plan. Things can get very difficult at times when important decisions have to be made. Every task can feel like a priority making it difficult to choose which to tackle first. When I feel my confidence waning, I try to sit quietly and clear my head for a bit. Read more>>
George Miadis | Musician, Singer Songwriter & Music Producer
I believe that everything in life, especially in art, is about the balance between the energy you put in and the the energy you receive from the other side (fans, audience, public etc). When you are receiving the same (or more) amount of energy that you invest in your craft you gotta keep pushing and striving for even better things. Read more>>
Anika Patel | Real Estate Agent & Operations Manager
You have to think about the end in mind. When you’re doing a task or activity, think about why you’re doing it. Is it helping you fulfill your purpose or are you doing it for someone else? If you are truly passionate about something, you will always find that fire to never give up. Always think about long term when you feel like giving up. Read more>>
Brittani Stone | Nonprofit Founder & Healthcare Professional
I personally believe everything we go through has its purpose in this journey called life. If I pursue something it’s because I have a passion for it; so I never count myself out until I try. Once I’ve given my all to the opportunity and it does not work out in my favor, that is when I give myself time to reflect and move on. However, I do stand up for myself if I feel that I was not given a fair chance. I feel that everyone comes to a point where they have to evaluate the situation and figure out if is worth continuing. Read more>>
Ashley Turk | Balloon stylist
Giving up is never an option! In order to be successful you must fail. When you fail it allows you to adapt and make changes to become better. If you quit you will always wonder if Would have kept going what would’ve happened. I never wanna be in a situation where I wonder the what it if. I always tell every entrepreneur keep going until you reap the benefits Of your dreams. Read more>>