Are you a risk taker? Do you think you have a stronger appetite for risk relative to your friends and family? We asked some folks from the community about their approaches to risk and have shared their thoughts below.

Scott Dalrymple | Candy store owner

Without taking risks I would not have owned the businesses I have, However, there is risk taking and then very planned out risk taking in order to minimize the risk. Always ask a lot of questions from various sources. I am not into reinventing the wheel-just keeping a successful wheel rolling. That is why I am mainly interested in existing businesses that have a good track record that are interesting to me. I whole heartedly believe in learning from other people’s experience. Read more>>

Shon Gardner | Serial Creative Entrepreneur known as The Man Behind The Brand

Taking risk has led me to where I am today. More than ever I move with assurance and intentional. I believe in betting on myself at all cost. I have always navigated with clear thought making sure that I seize every opportunity as it would led me to my next move. I often call myself a professional network and thrive on being in rooms where opportunities present themselves or spreading my own table with other great people. Read more>>

Micah Talley | Songwriter / Artist

Moving five hours away from home and leaving behind everything I’d ever known was a risk to 17-year-old me. About five years ago, I decided I was going to move to Denton for school. I realized that I wanted more out of life and wanted to experience something different from what I was used to. The journey wasn’t always easy, and there were definitely times when I felt homesick or nervous. But with every step I’ve taken, I’ve gotten closer to my dream, and being here has definitely helped me with my pursuit of music. Read more>>