Risk is the most common topic that comes up in our conversations with entrepreneurs and so each week we ask entrepreneurs to talk to us on the record about how they think about risk.

Gabriel White | Financial Services Risk Consultant, Event Producer, & Networker

Life without risk is mundane, at best. So many things I’ve done and experienced can be attributed to risk. Going to college, changing my major, joining a fraternity, moving 1000 miles away after graduation, changing careers, producing events, changing states, becoming an investor, the list goes on. Read more>>

Angela Reyes | Founder & licensed professional of Glow Artistry Studio LLC

The way I think about risk, is a chance for opportunities. Many of us dream about achieving the long term goal, but many don’t take the risk to take action to create those opportunities. I knew, that if I always feared to take risks, I would never get the chance to see an opportunity. Read more>>

Jayson HInrichsen | Photographer

I think risk-taking is a big part of life. Without risk there would be no reward. In my career you always have to take risk to better yourself and grow. I started photography five years ago and knew if I wanted to become some thing big I needed to go to LA to expand my portfolio. Read more>>

James Hunt | Chief Executive Officer

I’ve always had a high risk tolerance. When I was 23 I purchased a home over the internet, sight unseen, in another country. I packed a suitcase, all my possessions at the time, and moved from Canada to Florida. The two years I spent living there turned out to be a great adventure—one that I’ll remember and cherish forever. Read more>>

Lisa Faulkner-Dunne | Public Relations Consultant & Dog Rescuer

Risk- taking is all about taking a leap, and hoping you land safely! My first leap was moving to Texas after college in Kentucky with no job, knowing I needed to finish to graduate school , and no money to pay for school, So, I went to the library, searched for grants, and applied for a H.U. D. grant for women and minorities seeking a Master’s In Public Administration. Read more>>

Sara Welch | Sara Welch | Photographer & Studio Owner

I have a lot of thoughts about taking risks in business. Maybe it’s because my dad was a risk taker in life and business or maybe because I have several business friends who are afraid to take risks but I am BIG on taking risks in my career because they have always paid off for me ten fold. Read more>>

Rebekah Louisa Smith | Film Festival Strategist

Risk taking has played such an important part in my life and I encourage everyone to face the fear, trust your gut instinct and do it. Before I started my own business I was scared to take risks as I was worried that I would lose everything such as my home, money and pride but it was in fact my business which helped me to grow as a person and not keep thinking small. Read more>>

Jeremiah Solomon | Recording Artist & Audio Engineer

I see risks as opportunities and I could stand to take more of them. The lack there of may do more damage than good. I’m a very calculated decision maker, but as I grow older and gain more experience throughout the music industry I’m realizing that sometimes you’ve just gotta go for things and leave the rest up to God. Read more>>