Are you a risk taker? Do you think you have a stronger appetite for risk relative to your friends and family? We asked some folks from the community about their approaches to risk and have shared their thoughts below.
K.B. Roscoe | Artist & Author/Illustrator
Risk hasn’t necessarily been a thought that’s crossed my mind when pursuing the goals I’ve had for myself creatively. Although there is inherent risk in pursuing a goal, it is rather more risky that I’m learning how to do things as I go rather than knowing everything I can before I jump in. Sometimes my projects don’t work. The beauty behind having multiple creative projects is you learn to apply the lessons from the failures to your next project. Read more>>
Andrea VanHuss | Realtor & Mom
Risk is an integral part of life, and every individual encounters risks in various aspects of their life, whether personal or professional. People often assess risks based on their perceived probability and potential consequences before making choices. For many individuals, taking calculated risks can lead to significant opportunities and personal growth. In the context of careers, taking risks can play a crucial role in achieving success and advancing one’s professional life. Read more>>
Megan Haggard | Program Director
Risk is often intimidating and overwhelming, but also necessary. Coming into a director role in a sports based youth development nonprofit where I hadn’t been exposed to the industry before, nor had I much knowledge about the sport with which we were founded on, I wondered if I would be able to be benefit to the organization, the mission, the student-athlete’s and their families. Prior to coming on board with Bridge, I had worked in a position where again, I had only slight familiarity with the duties I’d be assigned. Read more>>
Daniela Romo | Nail tech & Hairstylist
I believe risks are meant to be taken to grow whether success is guaranteed or not. I stand by “the biggest risk is not taking any risk” because taking that chance could possibly become your biggest opportunity. The first risk I ever took was to drop out of college after my first year to prioritize my business when it grew attention and clientele and it became my career. The second was to attend cosmetology school after 3 years of saving. My clientele was steady and busy and school was only going to get in the way of that. Read more>>
Nick Hauk | Entrepreneur & Watershape Designer
During my adolescence, I was always an accident prone kid. Since an early age, I found that I thrive in a risk oriented environment. From being bitten by a snake (twice), to sinking my boat in a hurricane, to leaving my father’s pool company to start my own venture, risk has always been a crucial part of my success. The hardest thing that I have ever done was leaving my father’s pool company to start my own venture, however, I knew the risks and recognized the reward. Read more>>