We are so inspired by the businesses in our community because of how many of them are committed to helping to make the world better than it is today. Check out some great businesses below and how they are helping others.
Emily Quevedo | Social Media and Marketing Manager
Being a part of the Plano east yearbook has given me insight into what really goes on behind the scenes. it’s not just a book that sits on a shelf. we spend an entire year pulling stories from a variety of students and staff and putting them all in one place for everyone to see and read. as journalists, we aim to grab everyone’s story. and that’s what our book holds, a multitude of amazing and sometimes tear-jerking stories. Read more>>
Carissa Schaeffer | Puppeteer and Owner
Growing into an adult, you find yourself losing the ability to see the magic in certain moments. I often watch guest interactions at theme parks with costumed mascots and wonder, what makes the moment so special? I never could have guessed that something as silly-seeming as puppeteering could help open my eyes and realize how important, and rare, true moments of magic are. Read more>>
Alison Cron | Owner & Operator
Imagination Station FTW helps the community because parenthood/caregiving can be extremely lonely. We’ve built a beautiful community where you can come as you are and we are able to share each others burdens and encourage each other. Read more>>