What’s the right balance between work and non-work time? The traditional 9-5 has slowly disappeared with the emails and zoom and texting going far beyond traditional business hours. We asked members of our community to share with us how they think about work-life balance.
AmyMichele Jones | Business Owner & Equine Enthusiast
I am a workaholic! I work hard for others and harder for myself. Over the years I have noticed that if I don’t take time for myself, there isn’t as much of myself to give to work, family, or even me. The balance has been hard, and I will admit that I often work while on “vacation”. However, I would much rather answer emails from a beach with drinks on the way than be dreaming of getting away (and finding every excuse not) from my office! So, I make the time, I force the balance, and I will say… Read more>>
Kirsten Kirk | Artist, Manager, Audio Engineer
This is interesting as a student, especially a music student, because I’m not sure what qualifies as work vs life. School is work, and my bands and my management agency are work, but they are also what I love to do, so where is the line between work and life drawn? The school that I go to, Berklee College of Music, encourages students to be starting their careers at the same time that they are active, 12-16 credit and 7-11 classes a semester, Read more>>
Jessica Fagin | Franchise Owner & Operator
My work life balance has varied over the years based on my family situation and job. I was raised by someone who had an extremely strong work ethic, and that example, along with how passionate I am about a job, affects my own balance, too.. It’s important to step away and rest so you can be 100% for yourself, your loved ones, and your work, but it can be hard. Read more>>
LeeAnn Barnes | Charcuterie Caterer & Charcuterie Workshop Instructor
Work life balance is something that is hard to define. What it means to me and what it means to another business owner could be totally subjective. The perfect balance between my work life and my home life includes the freedom to still attend important functions for my kids, squeeze in time for myself at the gym daily and still manage the best customer service possible for my clients. Work life balance has shifted for me over the years. Read more>>