How do you think about risk? What role has taking risks played in your life/career? Check out responses from hidden gems from our community below.
Trulissia Menzies | Makeup artist & Plant Hygienist
Taking risks are very scary. I really feel like it builds you into your higher self. I’ve taken many risks and the thing that I’m most grateful for is that every time I took a risk, I learned a major lesson from it whether good or bad. For me, it’s either take that risk or remain complacent and complacency is not where I’d like to live. Read more>>
Crystal Jimenez | Hair Stylist
My biggest risk taking was coming into this business with zero clients. None. So when I took that leap of faith I have continuously relied on God for provision. I started my business with nothing. I came out of pocket for the things I needed. I work part time at my college’s library for barely anything. So I had to balance that and find good deals in the bigger things I needed like a stylist chair. I have been very blessed to keep getting clients to cover my rent. I know being a new business it takes time but it will be worth the wait. Read more>>
Julissa & Armando Chavez | Gym Owners & Entrepreneurs
Risk is necessary. Nothing that you get is done without risking something. Nothing is guaranteed so if you really want to build the future that you dream of, then there definitely will be risk involved. You are risking wasting your time, your life savings, relationships… But calculated risks can work to your advantage if you know what you’re doing. We risked the safe and comfortable 9-5, clock in, clock out, set paycheck per week, days off, OT, benefits and having a safety net. But with that being said, the reward on the other side of that risk can be 10-fold. Especially if you believe in what you’re selling. Read more>>
Diamond Dominguez | Postpartum Advocate
The majority of my life, I have been risk-adverse. I would talk myself out of starting a business because of the risk of not succeeding, the risk of losing money, the risk of taking too much time away from my personal life. Risk and fear could be interchangeable in situation. Fear of taking risks have gotten in the way of my growth and helping more people. Read more>>