We asked folks we admire to tell us about what they want their legacy to be. Check out their responses below.

Latifah Hameen | Relationship & Life Coach and Trainer

I want my legacy to be, that as a young single parent raising two boys, I worked full-time and completed two degrees, my bachelor’s in Education and master’s in Human Behavior and Development. I taught Kindergarten through 6th grade and college courses for over 20 years. I survived many years in domestic abuse and after finally getting out of it for good, I wrote my first book in 2007, “Suffering in Silence: Breaking the Cycle of Abuse.” Read more>>

Princeton Drake | Actor, Writer, Producer, Director & Executive Director of Divine Legacy Conservatory (Performing Arts Studio)

When I think about my legacy, I think about a legacy that is filled with enduring faith, love, prayer, souls being saved, lives being reached for Jesus, and a financial inheritance that blesses my future wife, my future children, my grandchildren, their grandchildren, and generations after that, It is my goal to minister through my God given talents, gifts, skills, and abilities and be a financially abundant and prosperous, successful working actor, storyteller, acting teacher, writer, producer, and director in the entertainment-film industry. Read more>>

Shakeilah Swain | Chef/ Food Creator

Nothing in life came easy for me, so many obstacles have been thrown my way. Many people would rather play it safe, because they are afraid of failing. When truth is you are going to fail before you succeed. You have to be willing to take those chances. I want to leave behind a legacy of strength, motivation, and power. If you believe it , you can achieve it. “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”-Philippians 4:13. Constantly tell your self you can do it, and believe you can do it. Read more>>