We asked some of the most inspiring folks we know to tell us what they are inspired by.

Stephanie Hoff Clayton | Artist and Teacher

I’m inspired by the wild and beautiful natural world, metaphysics, the cosmos, and my inner landscape. I sometimes experience visions during meditation and the imagery provides inspiration, too. For me, creating art is a spiritual practice and a celebration of the divine essence and sacred interconnectedness of all. I have recently been exploring themes of transformation and liminality.  Read more>>

Paula McDermott | Art Professor and Part Time Cult Leader (Sunshine Funtime Club)

I am inspired by nature and the beauty of everyday objects that surround us. I love to think about the organic, and essential objects and organisms like cells, internal body organs, plants, plankton, and phytoplankton, these often overlooked and unseen organisms work together to keep us alive and others help sustain life on Earth. I very much identify with the Japanese philosophy of Wabi Sabi, a concept that sees and really searches for the beauty of imperfection and acceptance of natural life cycles. Read more>>

Kisha Taylor | Chef

I am inspired by people. I have a caring spirit and always looking for ways to help within the community. Read more>>