Many books on startups and business talk about how there are right and wrong reasons for starting a business. So, we asked a handful of successful founders about their reasons and the thought-process behind starting their business.

Kat Watson | Owner and Instructor, FIT4MOM Dallas

I launched FIT4MOM Dallas in the Spring of 2016 truly motivated by personal needs. As a new mom, I desperately needed a way to connect with other moms and had no clue how to go about that. Even as a fitness instructor, I struggled with how my body had changed postpartum and initially studied postpartum fitness and wellness so that I could recover from a physically damaging delivery and diastasis recti and help other moms do the same. As I researched fitness options in our area, there was little available where I wouldn’t have to leave my baby and I wasn’t ready for that so I researched and found FIT4MOM. Since there wasn’t a location in the area, I started FIT4MOM Dallas Stroller Strides classes at NorthPark Center and it has been an incredible journey ever since! Stroller Strides incorporates kids into the workout so it is a great way to workout, to connect with other moms. Read more>>

Chelsea Rose Bell | Accessories Designer

Starting my own business was about a lot of things. I wanted to have flexibility to create and also spend time with my family. I work when my kids are at school and then jump in the carpool line to pick them up myself. Sometimes if I’m still working on something, I sit and do it while my husband and I watch a show in the evening. The other thing I wanted with my business was to be engaged with the actual making. Often times in the fashion business you come up with ideas, but the products are made far away in a factory. Read more>>

Dr. Stephanie Boyce | Chief Educational Officer & Professor

After seeing quick growth in student outcomes as an instructional coach, I created the FRESH strategy to share our best practices with other teachers. During regional and state conference presentations, teachers (not administrators) started saying they needed this kind of professional development at their campuses. They had a desire for more safe spaces to have conversations about culture and race, diversity and inclusion, and what the heck it all had to do with improving our instructional practices anyway. For many of them, this training was the first time they ever learned about culturally responsive teaching, and they wanted all their colleagues to experience it. Did I mention the PD iss interactive and fun??? Because it definitely is that, and we have all sat through enough boring PD. Read more>>

Assia Mahmood | Owner | Windhaven Academy – Daycare & Preschool

When I was young and innocent, I was more sure I wanted a career than a baby. Then I had a baby and she changed everything! Nonetheless, I was still steadfast in my ambitions and my new baby girl was actually more fuel to my fire. Childcare is a necessity for working parents and so I picked the most convenient option, a reputable franchise daycare next door to my office building. I was one of those parents that trusted the brand. Certain elements of the care I blindly accepted, even when it didn’t feel quite right. Don’t get me wrong, overall I had a positive experience, but when I think back to that time I wonder how I just accepted certain things, when I felt my family deserved better – especially for the price! I remember crying over the canned fruits and veggies that were served, I remember when I couldn’t feel the warmth I wished for from some caregivers, I remember wishing I knew more accurate details of her day. What quickly began as a secret desire turned into an obsession. Read more>>

Rochelle Molina | Real Estate Investor & Wholesaler

I’ve been a serial entrepreneur since I came out the womb! At a young age I was convinced I could generate income by running my own business instead of having to work for someone else. Of course as an adult I worked in real estate for many years but those experiences helped me within my own business endeavors. Starting and running a business has always been second nature for me. Read more>>

Maurice Ahern | Owner, Pastry Chef

This business was started to honor my son, Micah, who fought neuroblastoma for six years and passed away at age 7 in 2016. After he passed I wanted to do something that would honor his legacy and at the same time give back to various causes in the community. I wanted to create a place where people would love to gather and enjoy life, much like he did. Having a background in pastry, I wanted to do a coffee shop/bakery/cafe. In 2017, I started off with a baking business, Gold Ribbon Confections. As the business grew, we started looking at options. Read more>>

Surabhi B | A Rookie Mompreneur

I have always been in jobs, But when me and my husband started talking about starting a family there was this nagging thought in my head, that’ I don’t want to be a post 9 to 5 mom where I come home and the nanny tells me that, “Oh, your son rolled today” That was the driving force behind wanting to start my own thing, I am glad today I did. Read more>>

Tempa Sherrill | M.S., LPC, Founder of Stay The Course

As a military and first responder spouse, I felt called to start a nonprofit in order to serve veterans, first responders, and their families with much needed mental health services after our own family struggled with finding culturally competent care after my husband deployed to Afghanistan in 2008-2009. Our family struggled to manage my husband’s severe PTSD symptoms and the impact they had on our family. I left an 18 year teaching career and went back to school to study counseling and psychology then began the journey of starting the Stay The Course Program. After my husband Aj was terminated from his 22 year police career due to his PTSD diagnosis, he was forced to retire early. He donated his retirement to help with the start up of Stay The Course. Read more>>

Sarah Shiplett | Yoga Instructor, Co-owner Eira CBD

Here’s the story of how Eira CBD came to be. In 2019 @eiracbd was founded to find a different route of pain relief post surgery. The use of opioids has become an epidemic and we wanted to help surgeons find a different route for non narcotic pain relief. We also saw benefits of CBD in the health and wellness space, specifically yoga & meditation. Many users report positive and relaxed moods after CBD consumption, something that can help focus, awareness and attention in meditation. It helps people stay in their present moment. Jump ahead 2 years and lots and lots of collaborative work by our founders and owners both in Colombia and stateside, we now have a phenomenal quality CBD product in a sexy little bottle. We worked w the Colombian government to facilitate hemp growing efforts w the indigenous people of Colombia. Ancestral wisdom became a pillar of Eira. Sustainable farming. Trust. Why Eira? Pronunciationed “ih-rah” meaning “of the Earth” it is also the Goddess of Wisdom🧘🏻‍♀️ Colombian Sacha inchi oil is the carrier chosen for our hemp oil. Read more>>

Danielle Whisenand | Co-Founder Back House Fragrances

I am happy to introduce backhouse fragrances and myself to you. I was raised by a mother who loved to create. She made pottery in the kiln in our backyard and dabbled in crafts, including the art of candle making. Inspired by my childhood and first mentor in the arts, I started creating scented candles for our home. After 20 years spent in the real estate appraisal business, I have seen the inside of many homes. It’s an intimate experience to walk through someone’s home…the pictures on the wall, memories created and shared, design styles that come and go, and the intangibles that make a really special home just that…special. It’s a balance between the people that live there and the meaningful items that are collected and displayed that lend presence and charm to a special home. I have always had a passion for home décor; I love creating, and knew I wanted to produce something unique that could lend itself to the appeal and personality of someone’s home. In 2017, my husband Taylor and I began to create our brand that would become backhouse. Read more>>

Monika Normand | Wedding, Portrait, and Branding Photographer

I had been photographing portraits of friends and family for a few years as a hobby before the thought even occurred to me that I could transition my photography interest into a business. I was studying wildlife biology in college and really had no intention of becoming a photographer. As I was building my resume in the wildlife realm, more and more people kept referring new clients to me for senior portraits, family photos, and even weddings. Once I photographed my first wedding, I started to take my hobby more seriously. I created my business entity, began charging real rates for my work, advertising my services, and reinvesting in my business (while working a full time job). I guess my answer to this question is that I didn’t truthfully have a well-planned thought process behind starting my business. It happened organically. But, my decision to take the leap and run my business full time as my sole source of income was much more well thought out. I was unhappy with my full time job, I felt restless, unappreciated, and not challenged fully. Read more>>

Christina Welty | Coach & Founder of The Everyday Series

When I truly took a step back to look at the world of memberships for coaches and learning opportunities for coaches to grow, there were hardly any equitable price points that allowed for female entrepreneurs to access a coach or membership if they wanted one. This was in turn creating an equity gap amongst women- and women were doing this to each other. Not only was price inequity a gap that I saw but also value that women were actually getting from what they purchased to support their businesses. Part of that value is real relationships that create connection- entrepreneurship is already lonely enough so I wanted to provide benefits that provide live interactive experiences when members choose to participate in them. Read more>>

Chanley Wickboldt President and Founder of East Dallas Kitty Club | President and Founder of East Dallas Kitty Club

I had assisted in the revitalization of another Dallas animal rescue, and decided that I wanted to devote my energy and dedication into something that was my own. Animal rescue has brought so much joy to my life, but it came with limitations working for someone else. Creating my own feline focused rescue has given me the opportunity to do things that I had only dreamed about with the other rescue. Read more>>

Dawn Williams | Entrepreneur, Artist & Custom Designer

After working in social services for many years, I found myself having major compassion fatigue and yearning to tap into my creativity. I began making custom items for people and after many talks and encouragement from my husband who is a full time entrepreneur I decided to start “Diggs By Dawn”. Read more>>

Everett Swain II | Founder + Product Designer

I wanted to show black and brown people that they were being excluded from 6 figure jobs in tech that didn’t require a degree—I wanted to create the college for career switchers. UXD Academy develops and curates apprenticeship programs and self-paced courses to provide marginalized groups a real pathway to successfully transition into tech producing, designing, and developing digital products and services. Read more>>

Tim Blackwell | Zen Alchemy Labs, Owner and Co-Founder

It honestly was out of passion. We immediately discovered multiple benefits to using CBD, or hemp as a whole. It helped with recovery from the gym, an anti-anxiety medicine, and even helped us sleep better. We wanted to share it with as many people as possible, despite it’s taboo nature in Texas. Read more>>

Renee Williams | Founder of Black Park Skincare

I was always the type of person to try out new products, but then I soon realized that I didn’t really know what I was putting in or on my body. So, since I can be a bit of a work out junkie at times I began my journey with fat burning oils made with 100% natural ingredients. Once I realized they actually worked I began my testing phase and decided to take things a bit further and start a skincare business. Read more>>

Jenny Torry | Beauty Educator & Professional Makeup Hair and Artist

For my JTorry Makeup+Hair Artistry, I wanted to address every bride’s desire to look their absolute best and make them feel confident during their big day but without the need to transform them into completely different people. The secret is to accentuate their natural features so that their inner beauty can stand out. This discovery is so important that I wanted to share this, as well as my talents and skills, with as many aspiring makeup artists as possible. It’s why I created the JTorry Makeup Academy. Our goal at the Academy is to train students not only to develop the essential skills and techniques that professionals use to make wonderful makeup creations but also to teach them effective communication skills to fully satisfy every client need. At the Academy, I received many requests from the students to buy trustworthy makeup products directly from JTorry. This, along with the realization that many women don’t get enough access to these types of products, has led me to offer the JTorry Beauty line of products. Read more>>

Stephanie Guignard | Pediatrics Nurse Practitioner

I’ve always had an entrepreneurial spirit. I got it from my dad who started his own business when he I was about 7 years old. I remember thinking I want to do that someday. Yes I saw the struggles but it’s worth it’s when you’re doing what you’re made to do. Read more>>