We’ve always believed that forming a strategy is impossible until you’re clear on what your values and principles are. Without values and principles to guide you, making decisions can seem impossibly difficult. Given how important setting values and principles is to decision making we asked folks we admire to tell us about the values or principles that matter most to them.

Zuleyma Bernabe | Realtor®

The most important principle in my business is forming real connections. When I work with clients, I want them to feel like family, not just another deal. I believe in being there for them, especially during stressful times when they need guidance the most. By doing this, clients feel comfortable asking me anything, even after we’ve finished working together. Read more>>

Dr. Gillian Givens | Physical Therapist, PT, DPT

The most important principle to me is integrity while running my business. I think integrity is vital to build trust and a solid foundation with my families and patients, and is the key to a successful practice and resource to families in the healthcare community. Read more>>

Kenneth Mecca | Business Artist and Soccer player

I’m not sure if I would call it a principle, but it is something I have tried to live by in my work and personal life…. It’s simple really…. Do one more thing. At the end of the day (and I don’t mean that in a rhetorical sense, but in a real time sense, do one more thing. It can’t be planned or its part of your day. It has to be almost spontaneous… after you’ve grabbed your keys or shut down you computer or put down you tools, or however you end you day. Read more>>

Alex Geesbreght | Recovering Attorney; Entrepreneur

Without question, Trust, and all that it implies, is the most important value or principle in my personal and professional life. Trust is not only the basis of any meaningful, productive, and positive relationship, it also requires, by definition, the presence of so many other important qualities by both parties, such as vulnerability, honesty, self-reflection, and security (lack of insecurities). Read more>>