Ideas aren’t everything, execution matters greatly, but starting often requires an idea and so we asked folks to think back and tell us the story of how they came up with the idea for their businesses. We’ve highlighted some of our favorite stories below.

Natasha Celestin | Owner & Lead Event Coordinator

Prior to launching JUST4U Wedding Coordinating 2015, I was always the go-to person when my friends, family, and church needed assistance with coordinating or planning their event. Before I knew it, I was planning two to three events a month without having proper processes in place or often at times, not looking to be compensated. My heart was truly just to serve and make the person in which I was serving feel loved and special. After serving others in this way for a few years, my husband inspired me to consider utilizing my talents to make a profit and to expand my services to others outside of our family, friends, and church. This is how JUST4U Wedding Coordinating came into fruition. Read more>>

Angelic Empyress | Founder, Cosplayer, Artist, Author & Performer

Some children are prodigies and others… just do weird things. I was the child who memorized all the color names in my color boxes. Nothing was ever ‘red’ or ‘blue’ only fire red, cobalt, slate grey, etc. As I got older, colors continued to be something that I always noticed, and lived to customize absolutely everything I had with custom colors, anything that wasn’t the default. Then I started studying them and I realized all the things that make us who we are can be represented by colors. It gave me a new appreciation of God’s Rainbow. It symbolizes unity of everyone. A unity that is rarely seen in the world today because so many of us are victims of discord, division and inner emotional struggles. I knew then that what I learned could be used as a tool of positivity and encouragement. Read more>>

Reggie Carthon | Nutrition & Supplement Store Owner

My long standing history in sports guided me into a life of health and fitness. I learned the importance of taking care of myself physically and nutritionally during my career. That knowledge and experience lead me to further educate myself in both fields. My passions fueled my desired to pursue the vast industry of health and fitness professionally. I’ve always had a thirst for knowledge. I was fortunate to know what avenues I wanted to pursue prior to retiring. Upon my retiring from professional football I attended various learning institutions. I received the necessary licenses/certifications in order to become a licensed massage therapist, certified master fitness coach and nutritionist so that I could have the knowledge to excel to the fullest in health and fitness, which gave birth to “FITTASTIK”. Read more>>