We are so inspired by the businesses in our community because of how many of them are committed to helping to make the world better than it is today. Check out some great businesses below and how they are helping others.

Justin Allred | Owner of OtherRed Photography

The police and fire side of my business has a huge impact on the community. The goal in the beginning with OtherRed Photography was to bridge the gap between civilians and first responders. Showing the real life situations first responders experience, and bringing that to the viewers finger tips. Showing the daughter her dad fighting a fire. Showing the mom their son saving someone’s life. Real pictures. It’s about having the photo of that hero in all of their awesomeness. Over the years, the importance to my job has shown it self through loss. I’ve had the hero shot of the firefighter or police officer that lost their life. I’ve been trusted to shoot these very sensitive funerals for the families as well. I want to honor your loved one, and I just want to do it well. Read more>>

Ashna Akepati | Education Equity Advocate & Undergraduate Student

I believe in the power of education. My organization, Staff of Asclepius (SOA), is centered around providing high-quality, free education to high school and undergraduate students. Many students do not have access to career development opportunities and the resources to make fully informed career/schooling decisions. SOA provides students with the appropriate resources to make informed career and educational decisions for themselves. Students gain early exposure to the diverse career pathways they can take through SOA’s events. Through free, virtual, monthly career development workshops and an annual healthcare conference that SOA hosts, participants can meet and learn from healthcare professionals and scientists from esteemed universities in the United States. SOA also provides students with a series of easily accessible informational graphics, weekly, to raise awareness about various diseases, developments, and issues in healthcare. Read more>>

Denise Spivak | CEO of CenterLink

CenterLink and its member LGBTQ centers provide vital resources for their communities and create a place where people can go for a wide range of critical, life-saving services. These centers collectively serve over 51,800 people each week, or nearly 2.7 million people per year. Nearly all LGBTQ centers engage in advocacy, public policy, and civic engagement across a wide variety of issues affecting the LGBTQ community. Read more>>

Angel Theodore | | Certified Life Coach | Speaker | Author |

Soul Image 365 helps women and girls learn how to feel confident in their own skin. Read more>>