Shoot your shot? Take a chance? Society bombards us with messages, phrases, examples and stories of how taking risk is the key to success, but is anything ever that simple? We asked some of the brightest folks we know to tell us about how they think about risk. We’ve shared their responses below.
Jazzmin Williams | Model, Model Coach, & Confidence Builder
Risk taking is where I feel like I thrive the most. I’ve always been a person to leap at the opportunity to take a risk that I foresee will work out for my good. Though there are times that I am fearful of the unknown, one thing I know is that I can lean on my faith in the Lord. He will see me through all things and cover me under His protection/word that never fails. At the beginning of this year I took a big risk by moving out of my comfort zone. I left my hometown, family, and friends & moved out for the first time to a completely different state I knew nothing about. I took a leap of faith and move here to the DFW area in Texas. I was born and raised in New York and never lived anywhere else until this year. It has been a complete life changing experience in all aspects. This risk that I took grew me mentally & emotionally. My mindset has been renewed in a way that has evolved me for the better. All aiding me into being a great CEO of my business Blu3 Model Coaching LLC. Read more>>
Brett McPherson | Interior Designer
I feel like you have to take a risk to create really great design! It always seems that my clients have that one thing they REALLY want to do but they are scared of it. When they go for it – it is always their favorite thing. There is calculation to this for sure… longevity of the design, cost, how easy is it to change in the future, etc. but I think taking the leap is important. Read more>>
Christine Tiny” Irizarry | Artist/Creator”
Although risks can be incredibly scary, they often allow us to reach new heights, open more doors for ourselves, and help us as humans understand that we are capable of so much if we just give ourselves a platform to be great. When I think about risk it is incredibly necessary in order to grow. Read more>>
Chelsea Baranski | Artist & Educator
As an artist and teacher, I recognize that risk-taking is part of the creative process. We have to challenge ourselves to see differing perspectives, try new techniques, and figure out what we like/dislike. The creative process parallels life. Risk-taking is part of learning and self-discovery. Often the experiences that were the most scary, exciting, and took me outside of my comfort zone, were the ones where I learned the most about myself. Read more>>