Most of the media often paints all businesses with a single stroke, but in our experience businesses are each unique and so many of them are focused on making the world a better place. We’ve highlighted a few such gems below.

Lara Days | Nutrition & Mindset Coach

Women are constantly told that we need to fit into a certain box in order to be valued. We need to be small, quiet, polite, selfless, blah blah blah. It’s total bullshit. What we need to do is learn how to use our voice and step into our power so that we can make an impact on the people around us. My job, as a nutrition and mindset coach, is to help women find food freedom so that they can stop letting food and the scale dictate their life. We deserve to take up space. We deserve to nourish our bodies. Read more>>

Jasmine Oliver | Owner

Tea Please is a dessert flavored tea line that is naturally sweetened with real fruits and nuts. Our teas provide flavor and sweetness that aren’t artificial. Therefore, people are able to satisfy their cravings without intaking any of the bad stuff that causes harm to our immune systems over time. For example, African Americans rank number one in diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol. Sugar is a huge culprit in feeding those diseases. So as an African American woman who is health conscious but loves sweets, I wanted to create something that would help alleviate those numbers and prevent potential health risks all together. Read more>>

Cori Jacoby | Hair Stylist & Color Specialist

If you know me, you know I love my city and my community. I have plans to use that love and expand my business Hair by Cori J into Eight One Seven Salon because I want the artists in the DFW area to have a place where they are seen and heard. My plan for Eight One Seven Salon is a full service salon that has hair stylists, tattoo artists, piercers, nail techs, and Esthetician’s all from the DFW area. I also want to give painters, photographers, etc. in DFW a place to showcase their art and be able to profit off their art. Read more>>

Jason Washington | CEO Of PHL PushingHealthyLifestyles Coach/Fitness Trainer

PHL PushingHealthyLifestyles helps the community, by engaging fitness in the community and promoting healthy growth and development and benefit the community, by encouraging greater family and social connectedness. I also feel letting the community know fitness is a way of life and PHL can make it fun. Cycling, swimming, jogging, walking, dancing and other sport activities are not only fun but can promote health. Communities play an important role in every aspect for our lives and believe it or not the community helps businesses, specially small business. Read more>>

Shahla Shahmiri | Healthy Chef

I grew with very wise and knowledgeable grandmother. She was a healer and i saw with my own eyes how she could help sick people. always when she was healing people or giving them medicine i used to tell her, nana , some day I’m going to be just like you, she used to look at me and say with a smile on her face ” yes some day you can heal the the world” i used to ask her but its impossible how?? and she said ” one soul at a time child one soul at a time” Now that I’m older i understand what she means, Saffrongirl is all about , nurturing, serving, and helping people to make the right choice and eat healthy one customer at a time. Read more>>