We had the good fortune of connecting with Stephanie Powell and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Stephanie, other than deciding to work for yourself, what was the single most important decision you made that contributed to your success?
Committing to doing the mindset work and getting to a place where I KNOW I can trust myself. No one knows what’s best for your business or your people better than you do. Any time I am questioning a decision or strategy or whatever, I ask myself, “If I absolutely trusted myself here, and I KNEW I was good enough, how would I show up/what would I do?” And then, I do exactly that. Mindset work is so much more than “woo woo” and, honestly, it’s probably 99% of success. So do the work and never stop. 

What should our readers know about your business?
I am a speaker and brand + business strategy coach and I help magical entrepreNERDS get bold and brazen in their business and brand so they can connect and convert more of their holy grail clients and make more money in their businesses being raw, real, and unapologetically themselves. I believe you (and everyone else) were created ON purpose and WITH purpose. No one can do what you do like you do. Period. And it is with that fierce belief that I encourage, empower, and challenge each one of my clients to embrace their own radical authenticity and step into those unique superpowers only they have. Because it is through that magic that we are able to serve those we were BORN to serve, and in a way that no one else can. Standing in who you are allows you to find your unique brand voice so you can not only connect with your holy grail clients, but you can CONVERT them, serve them, and provide the transformation they’re so desperately seeking. Now, let’s get real: starting your own business is anything but easy. It’s a veritable roller coaster. But it’s so so SO worth it…IF you have a clear and intense conviction about how and why you can change the world. Because it’s that “why” that will keep you pushing forward and trudging through, even in the most difficult of times. And, for goodness sake, find a tribe of people that not only support you, but who GET what you’re trying to do. Unless you ARE an entrepreneur, you won’t “get it.” Not really. You have to live it to get it. So find others who are living it, are where you want to be, where you are, and where you used to be and support each other like crazy. For me, everything I do is driven by my ultimate vision of a world where every single soul is seen, heard, understood, accepted, celebrated, and loved BECAUSE of how they were uniquely created. Crush all the boxes, break all the molds, and cling to your dreams and passions like they were your life lines. Because they are and they were given to you for a reason.

If you had a friend visiting you, what are some of the local spots you’d want to take them around to?
Oh wow, there’s so much! If their visit is during State Fair time, that’s numero uno on the list FOR SURE. Some of my other favorite spots to eat/drink/enjoy are: Katy Trail Icehouse, Addison Improv, Fort Worth Stockyards, The Dallas Arboretum, Cafe Modern at the Modern Art Museum of Fort Worth (especially for brunch), The Perot Museum, Off the Bone, Bishop Arts District to see the murals, really anywhere in the Oak Lawn/Cedar Springs area (Hunky’s, Italia Express, Crickles & Co), Bob’s Steak and Chop House, Lawry’s, Trinity Forest Park, Magic Time Machine…I’ll stop here lol.

The Shoutout series is all about recognizing that our success and where we are in life is at least somewhat thanks to the efforts, support, mentorship, love and encouragement of others. So is there someone that you want to dedicate your shoutout to?
So the first thing I HAVE to point out here is that I would not be where I am and this business would not even exist without the support and neverending encouragement from my husband. Having a support system that has your back and genuinely believes in you and refuses to let you give up on yourself is so freaking crucial. The other person that IMMEDIATELY comes to mind is a dear friend who is also a wildly fabulous coach, keynote speaker, and trainer: Dr. Stevie Dawn Carter. There’s no way I’d be where I am without her. She not only helped me navigate the crazy waters of starting a business, but she’s been a friend and mentor every step of the way. Her knowledge and experience are so extensive, and there’s SO much about her and her business that is what/where I strive to be. Having someone like that to follow, learn from, and be in your corner has been so monumental. Every time I attend a training or event of hers, whether I’ve heard some of the material before or not, I ALWAYS leave with new nuggets of pure gold.

Website: https://morepowelltoya.com
Instagram: www.instagram.com/morepowelltoya_magic
Linkedin: www.linkedin.com/morepowelltoya
Facebook: www.facebook.com/morepowelltoya
Other: www.facebook.com/groups/morepowelltoya

Image Credits
Photog Credits: Andrew Powell, Jen Shu, Trinity Wilkerson

Nominate Someone: ShoutoutDFW is built on recommendations and shoutouts from the community; it’s how we uncover hidden gems, so if you or someone you know deserves recognition please let us know here.