We had the good fortune of connecting with Se’Quan Tutt and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Se’Quan, what role has risk played in your life or career?
Risk is a necessary component of existence. Whatever choice we make, there is a certain amount of risk involved. Opportunities, leaps of faith, and taking chances are all examples of risks. I think of myself as a risk-taker. My adult life has always included a lot of risk-taking. One of my biggest risks was leaving Raleigh, North Carolina for Atlanta, Georgia, as it marked the beginning of my career in the fashion industry. I didn’t have a strategy; all I had was a vision of what I desired, and I was determined not to give up until I had achieved my goals. I initially had the mindset that I needed to frequently travel back to North Carolina because I was a stranger in a strange city with only a few acquaintances from graduate school and a few coworkers from previous employment possibilities. But when I started going to social gatherings, networking activities, and fashion events, everything changed. I was able to develop a clientele in Atlanta as a result, and I soon began to reap the rewards of my efforts. But like the saying goes “every good thing must come to an end” and I was able to relocate to Dallas and be prepared to hit the ground running when I arrived. The same process I underwent in Atlanta was not necessary here. I’ve learnt from my errors, and I now have staff to take care of the majority of my clients on the east coast. I can say that each choice resulted in feelings of loss, healing, a better understanding of who I am, the identification of my friends who would be there for me, and the fullest possible expression of life’s emotions. Each risk came with a price, but despite that, things always worked out for the best because I never give up, even when it seems like there is no hope for the future. The biggest danger for me is continuing in a place where I no longer feel aligned. Staying where I no longer belong puts my soul at jeopardy. By staying in a situation where I’m extremely stressed, I wager my health. When presented with a choice, I always ask myself, “Will I regret making this choice in a few years when I look back at this moment?” Even if it didn’t turn out the way I had hoped, I don’t regret a thing that I’ve done or failed at. I developed, I gained knowledge, and I gained experience, and for me, it is preferable to attempt and fail than to give up and sit about wondering what may have been.

What should our readers know about your business?
The success of the brand thus far can be attributed to faith in God and the vision he gave me. What I mean by that is, God gave me this gift and this vision and so, I trust him to guide me. The resources and ideas flow most freely when I consult with him about what the brand needs, should do, and be, and then I rely on what I learn from him. I have everything I need for my brand to advance, not because I possess it all, but rather because I am prepared to work toward the vision and step out in faith. Success is inevitable when you put together my unwavering faith in God, the vision for House of Tutt, my tenacity and work ethic, as well as the fact that I am among the hardest-working people I know. House of Tutt is a creative consulting firm prepared to assist you in elevating your business or brand. Our customers profit from the wardrobe styling, branding, website development, financial counseling, marketing services, and other services we offer. Our goal is to help our clients accomplish their objectives by offering creative solutions that increase revenue and profitability. House of Tutt aspires to lead the way in branding, marketing, web design, and fashion. Our performance speaks for itself. We have experience working with both domestic and foreign businesses in a variety of industries. If you ask me how I got to where I am now, I would simply respond that I didn’t stop. I was constantly learning, experimenting, acting, and revising. I never lose because I don’t fear making mistakes. I was able to clearly define the brand’s vision, and as a result, I was able to attract opportunities and resources that will help me realize that vision. No, it hasn’t been simple, but the effort has been worthwhile. I’ve discovered that if you don’t have a distinct idea of what you want to accomplish, you’ll be susceptible to pressure from others to change the direction of your brand. Despite the fact that you can’t collaborate with everyone and incorporate everyone’s ideas into your plans, you must be open to sharing your vision with people who are knowledgeable in the fields you aren’t. Building a team of experts who can execute your vision is essential to any business’ success. One thing about my brand that I want people to know is that we transform businesses, careers, and lives. I believe in the strength that resides inside all of us, and I also think that even when we are living through hell, we should look like heaven. I’m excited to keep providing my customers with the best services my brand has to offer and to watch their ideas come to life!

If you had a friend visiting you, what are some of the local spots you’d want to take them around to?
I have to admit that the DFW region has some of the best places for brunch, fun, and dining. The best Caribbean food and dancing are provided by Ida Clarie, Lo-Chicken Lo’s and Waffles, and Jamaica Gates. I would also take them to House of Blues, Blue Sushi Sake Grill, Biscuit Bar, Dallas Farmers Market, Haywire uptown, Delucca Gaucho Pizza & Wine Dallas, Jonathon’s Diner, Elizabeth Anna’s, Kiss, Kitchen & Cocktails and Urban Farm & Garden. For fun, we could check out a Mavs, Cowboys, Ranger’s game, Museum of Arts, or Main event.

Who else deserves some credit and recognition?
There are so many people that have played a role in my life thus far that it is hard to narrow it down to just one. I will say though, that the most influential participants in my journey have been my niece Zoey, who is my biggest supporter. She has the most amazing heart in this world and is such a beam of light. She may only be five years old, but I can honestly say she has already taught me the importance of family, patience, and unconditional love. She is the calm in my storm, reminding me every day of who I am and what I can afford in this life. I also want to thank my family and friends for all of their support, love, encouragement, and assistance in making my aspirations come true. I appreciate you trusting me with your companies and your projects, all of my clients—both present and previous. I will always be appreciative, and I pray for your continued support, because the best is yet to come!

Website: https://www.houseoftutt.com/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tutt.thestylist/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y%3D

Linkedin: Se’Quan Tutt

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sequan.tutt

Other: Business Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/houseoftutt/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y%3D Business Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/houseoftutt

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