We had the good fortune of connecting with Dean Berman and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Dean, we’d love to start by asking you about lessons learned. Is there a lesson you can share with us?
NEVER QUIT. At first, you will feel like an imposter because there is so much unknown, and in fact, some will even doubt you for even starting. NEVER QUIT. Along the way, you will have many failures, but you can NEVER QUIT. You will have moments of success, followed by humbling lows, but you must NEVER QUIT. You will be tired from long days, exhausted from problem solving, and ache from head to toe, but you…must…NEVER QUIT. You will laugh harder than you ever have and experience pain from your deepest core. But it WILL become easy to remember, to NEVER QUIT. If it is important to you, then you only have one choice…NEVER QUIT.

Let’s talk shop? Tell us more about your career, what can you share with our community?
I have always had an artistic side. I love playing the guitar and creating music. My first business was a jewelry company that consisted of handmade bracelets and giving back to the community. It’s my artistic half that was drawn to dent repair. Paintless dent repair is not like your conventional body repair. I’m using a plethora of tools to rewind time on your vehicle, fixing the damage without having to use bondo or paint. PDR is my art. Of course, wanting to make my customer’s vehicles look nice upon delivery is what drove me to dive deeper into detailing. Ceramic coating, also an art, is the end result of not just cleaning a vehicle, but restoring the life of the paint, and encapsulating its beauty for years to come. Each customer drives away with my art.

Let’s say your best friend was visiting the area and you wanted to show them the best time ever. Where would you take them? Give us a little itinerary – say it was a week long trip, where would you eat, drink, visit, hang out, etc.
Campisi’s. Downtown Dallas. A memory that will live with me forever and is often thought about while I’m at work building a legacy, is sitting with my wife, the day after our wedding, sharing shrimp scampi.

Who else deserves some credit and recognition?
I give thanks to God first and foremost. And I’ll thank Him last as well. As far as me getting started in this business, I’d like to thank my doubters. It was cocky, arrogant technicians that told me, a salesman at the time, that I would never understand dent repair. Thank you. The fire was lit, and now you can’t put it out. My success is attributed to my family. The love, motivation, and support from my wife, children, mother and sister is crucial to me being able to get up in the morning, no matter the circumstance and deciding to fight. Thank you. I would also like to give a very special thank you to Kevin. He gave me a shot at my first shop. He is one of the most influential men in my life. Thank you.

Website: https://www.legacydentco.com

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/legacydentco

Image Credits
All images, company name/logo/content, and testimonial ©Legacy Dent Co LLC 2016-2022.

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