By far the most common conversation we have with the folks we interview is about work-life balance. Starting a business or pursuing a creative career makes finding work life balance really tough because there is no clear start and end to one’s work day. We’ve shared some of our conversations on the topic below.
Abigail Stephens | Freelance Artist & Art Therapist
This is honestly something I’m still getting the hang of. Over time, my work life balance has improved, but I’m definitely not perfect. I used to not have any sort of balance at all, I would go to school, then straight to work, then come home and clean/do homework. This endless cycle would deteriorate my mental health and even my physical health. If it weren’t for several wise peers of mine, and forcing myself to change my habits, I’m worried I would have never wanted to make my own art again. I finally decided, for thirty minutes a day, no matter what I was doing, I would spend time doing self care. Read more>>
Taylor Renz | Artist
I like this question because I feel like it’s so relevant to everyone’s life- especially with today’s climate and how priorities have shifted due to the pandemic. Between juggling work, managing relationships, maintaining your health, pursuing goals and squeezing in downtime for yourself, it’s incredibly difficult not to be overwhelmed. I think it’s important to recognize when you’re stressed, pinpoint the main reasons, and work on changing them. Realizing I have the ability to say “no” to things, prioritizing my mental health and trying not to overextend myself have helped me significantly. Read more>>
Shannon Siriano Greenwood | Community Builder
I am much more interested in my life than my work now that I understand the distinction between the two. When I was younger, so much of my identity was tied to my career and it’s success. Now that I am a grown up, I realize the relationships that I have, how I spend my days, and how I feel are more important that success at work. I still need to pay the bills and fund my creativity, but that is the purpose of my work, not proving anything to anyone. Read more>>
Jon Lambert | Video Producer & Creative
When I first started out, I was all about being ambitious and rising to the top quicker than anyone. Every position I’ve ever held has turned into a supervisory or management position because of it. Over time, I learned that my focus should be on the work that makes me satisfied and happy. Now I don’t worry about being so competitive, but rather spending time on what matters. Life is short, why spend it burning out? Read more>>