Most people say they want success, but when you ask them what success means you get wildly different responses. We recently asked some of the best and brightest in our community to tell us about how they define success and have shared their responses below.
Hannah Smith | Co-Founder of Boost Your Brand Marketing
For me, success is about finding fulfillment and contentment in both professional endeavors and personal growth, while leaving a positive impact on the world around you. Read more>>
Bianca Brown | Salon owner and hairstylist.
When I think of success I think about all the small things I wanted before going on my own. Freedom to take whatever days off, the ability of play the music I like in my space, wearing whatever I want, having the flexibility of bringing on the products I want, taking classes that are more tailored to my goals. Of course it’s nice being my own boss, but the success is the freedom to do what I want. The long hours, the paper work, the inventory, the loads of laundry, all worth it! Read more>>
Marbella Quintana | Fashion & Beauty
Success looks different for everyone. To me success is being able to do something you love and being able to share it with family. Being successful is more than money it’s the ability to look back to where you started and seeing the growth you’ve done not just in business; but mentally and physically and being able to overcome every obstacle in your way. Read more>>