Has a book had an impact on you?

Have you read a book recently that had an impact on you, your life or the way you think? Let us know and check out some great responses from the community below.
“The Last Black Unicorn” by Sister Tiffany Haddish is a book that I listened to non-stop out of my love and passion for Sister Tiffany. I had the absolute honor and pleasure of meeting her during a panel discussion on Tuesday, May 26, in support of Girls For A Change’s Girl Ambassador Program. Sister Tiffany is not only a powerhouse in every way, she’s also the greatest giver that I know. She is a fountain of healing, love, and positive vibrations. To overcome such adversary time and time again has made her an immovable mover or as she coined it The Last Black Unicorn. For me, Sister Tiffany embodies why I grind as hard as I do. She is the embodiment of how we all should aspire to live: deliberate and unafraid. Read more>>
My husband and I read a book by our pastor Robert Morris 4 years ago called, “The Blessed Life”. After we applied the principles in the book to our finances we watched God work in us and through us in a new way. If you know us personally, we have probably told you about the book + believe everyone can benefit greatly from this read! Read more>>
Back in March, when we were told to shelter in place, I decided it was a good time to catch up on some reading. Not a fan by Kyle Idleman is a very good book. Pastor Idleman shares stories from his journey. The book challenges all of us to really examine our relationship with Jesus. Are you a fan or a follower of Jesus? Are you a believer or a follower of Jesus? Some key points from the book: 1. John 3:16 emphasizes believing. Luke 9:23 focuses on following. There is no believing without following. 2. Following Jesus will cost you something. Following Jesus always costs something. 3. Many fans have given their minds to the study of God, but they never surrender their hearts. 4. Jesus doesn’t expect followers to be perfect, but He does call them to be authentic. Read more>>