We have the good fortune of connecting with so many bright, accomplished folks from a variety of industries and we often ask them to tell us what they feel has been the most important factor behind their success. We’ve shared some highlights below.

Katherine (Kat) Knutsen | Art Producer & Art Professor

There are a couple habits that have greatly helped in my success. One of those habits is to continuously inquire more about details around a project. When managing or directing projects, there are often what I would call “dark spots” in the process that need a light shined on them for better clarity. I take full advantage of being inquisitive as to ask lots of ‘why’ and ‘how’ questions so that I can better understand the scope, direction and purpose that each project serves. Another habit that has helped me succeed is to always continue reading about subjects and fields that are right outside of the bounds of what I’m working on. This habit helps me to see a wider purview of how things connect and how the dynamics right outside of my work are affected. Read more>>

Missy MadeWell | Owner / Founder of Twisted Wares

The habit of just keep going, even when you want to quit and nothing seems to be working. JUST Keep Going!. Read more>>

Shaquita Fairley | Author, BBB-Board Member, Construction owner, Women’s empowerment founder, Photo booth owner, Hemp retailer

I feel that my habit of “go for it” Has gotten me where I am now. No matter what the risk I try to do my best and go for it anyway. Read more>>

Jordan Rhodes | Actor-Playwright-Author & Director

Dedication to the work – Perseverance, never quitting or giving up. The luck of God given talent, and of course, just having some Luck. Read more>>