We had the good fortune of connecting with Lucie the Light Malette and we’ve shared our conversation below.
Hi Lucie the Light, what was your thought process behind starting your own business?
When I found my own true purpose, there was no doubt in my mind that I needed to start my own business. I followed my calling to inspire and guide women to embody their self-worth and believe in their valuable contributions. When we discover our mission on earth we cannot unlearn it. My life depends on it, not following my purpose is not an option. I was guided from the start, I even intuitively received the names of my professional page and my group. It was very inspiring to be a co-creator with the Universe and realizing that I was not alone anymore. It came clear to me that I was an instrument, a tool that the Universe was using to convey its message through me.
Can you give our readers an introduction to your business? Maybe you can share a bit about what you do and what sets you apart from others?
I started my transition from my previous job to growing my new business in September 2020. I was in the Financial Industry for over 3 decades and felt the calling to follow my own true purpose.
After training as a coach and facilitator, I started my own business in 2022 with one on one coachings and in 2023 started my 10 week Divine Abundance Group Coaching Program. I was building the plane while flying it!
This 10 week group coaching program is all about guiding women to have a better relationship with money by embodying their self-worth and believing in their valuable contributions. It’s the foundation for the next level of my overall program.
The next step after this foundational work of having a better relationship with money and self, is finding their own purpose with the True Purpose process from the True Purpose Institute. These 10 sessions go into a 5-phase process starting with engaging the Ego, followed by getting the Ego’s permission, the connection and inquiry, the purpose interpretation and finally the purpose manifestation phase.
Once the Purpose is known and that we have embodied our self-worth and created a healthy relationship with money, the next level is to manage your money and not be managed by your money. Because at this point, money starts to flow in, we prosper with purpose and we need to balance our 4 pillars of prosperity and not get overwhelmed with the responsibility that comes with having money flowing in through our new business.
Working as a Financial Planner for over 2 decades, I encountered many women in my career that gave up their power to money and felt that they never had enough. They also never considered their own resourceful selves as being their power. That brought me into the realization that women needed to show up differently in the world regardless of their wealth. Because no amount of wealth will make you feel abundant.
Most women have money issues and they don’t believe in their worth. They feel powerless around money and they are stuck in old money stories that are preventing them from increasing their earnings.
One big mistake that women make is that they are so desperate to get rich, thinking that money will solve all of their problems. Money helps, don’t get me wrong! But being desperate is being in a lack mindset and being in lack will never bring you wealth. By trusting and surrendering to your divine source and believing that it will always provide for you and that all your needs will be met, is the foundation of self-worth. You allow and let go and money will flow!
One way to start, is to be confident in your resourceful self and believing in your worth, your values and what you offer. You are your own product!
Second, is having a clear vision and intention about what you want because where attention goes energy flows. So, feel it, see it as if it’s already there.
Third, intention and visioning are good but not enough. You have to surrender, have no expectations, let your divine source lead you into wealth. It might not be exactly what you are yearning for, but it is what you need to receive at this point in life. By surrendering you won’t need vast wealth to feel abundant and that’s a sufficiency mindset, meaning that you have more than enough because more is not better.
Finally, this process is not magical, we need to stay motivated and in movement. Taking action with baby steps to reach our goals and not wait for Divine to manifest what you are yearning for. You and only you will make things manifest with the right actions.
What I’m most proud of is that I am the creatrix of my own life. I make choices that are very wise like embracing sobriety and leaving a 6 figure job that didn’t fulfill me anymore to start a speaking, coaching and facilitating business from scratch.
I got to where I am today by staying in movement and believing in my own true purpose which gave me a life meaning. I have overcome challenges and struggles by not letting my ego control my soul and rather creating a partnership between my soul and my ego. Respecting my ego’s conditions to make it more comfortable to conquer those fears while following my purpose.
The lessons are still on my journey and will always be part of my journey. The most powerful lesson is that I can accomplish any transformation I desire to accomplish. When I got the clear vision of who I was meant to be, what I was meant to do and who I was meant to serve that showed me my north star and where I’m going.
I want the world to know that I’m Lucie the Light and that I’m owning it! And that we are all Light beings and that we can change lives by being there for one another. Just imagine if we all followed our own true purpose, how the world would be amazing and filled with love. Always starting first by serving ourselves and then serving each other mutually over and over again. How beautiful the world would be!
If you had a friend visiting you, what are some of the local spots you’d want to take them around to?
I would invite them to a kayaking excursion on the Gatineau River. Then a stop for lunch in Wakefield Quebec. There are many artisans and good restaurants with homemade healthy foods. Also a walk in Gatineau Park or cross country skiing or snowshoeing in nature with the deers and wild turkeys. I would introduce them to my favorite Majestic Maple tree. We would go downtown Ottawa to see the sites around the Parliament Buildings, museums and the market for great music and food.
The Shoutout series is all about recognizing that our success and where we are in life is at least somewhat thanks to the efforts, support, mentorship, love and encouragement of others. So is there someone that you want to dedicate your shoutout to?
Absolutely! I’m truly grateful for Dr. Claire Zammit, my mentor and coach. She created amazing programs in the last 2 decades and thanks to all her work and wisdom, it transformed my life in amazing ways. I’m also very grateful for my Shero Lynne Twist and for her book The Soul of Money where I discovered the powerful expressions around money and energy. She’s a monument of devotion and she dedicated her life’s mission to ending world hunger and is a philanthropist for the Pachamama Alliance in the Amazon forest.
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/luciethelight11?igsh=ZXFqb2hkYjdrdjQx&utm_source=qr
Linkedin: http://www.linkedin.com/in/lucie-malette-611a292a1
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ProsperWithPurposeCoaching