We asked the community to share their favorite quotes and affirmations with us. Check some of those out below.
Brit Dats Hip THE ARTIST | Visual artist
By the way I do have a favorite quote. By Maya angelou “One isn’t necessarily born with courage, but one is born with potential. Without courage, we cannot practice any other virtue with consistency. We can’t be kind, true, merciful, generous, or honest.” This quote is so powerful and what I get from it is to never forget who you are regardless of the naysayers and don’t be afraid to speak up. Read more>>
Lauren Kellison | Event Planner
My favorite quote is one by Rosa Nouchette Carey and it goes, “Do it with passion or not at all.” I value these words as a reminder that I am lucky to be able to enjoy my day to day work. I got into the business I did because I love what I do, and regardless of daily trials that test patience, it’s always refreshing to be reminded that I get to do something I throughly enjoy for work. Read more>>
Eddie Wiewel | Realtor
I’m an avid reader and love studying the legends of various industries- Michael Jordan, Kobe Bryant, Tim Grover, Tom Hopkins and Ray Dalio to name a few. However, when my business hit it’s first true test in Q3 of last year, when the Fed really began increasing rate hikes, I relied on a very famous speech by Theodore Roosevelt. Read more>>