Artists and creatives face innumerable challenges given that their career path often doesn’t come with a playbook, a steady paycheck or any form of safety net. It’s definitely not easy and so we asked a few of the artists and creatives we admire to talk to us about why they chose to pursue an artistic or creative career.

Courtney Eastman | Haunted Traveler & Paranormal Investigator

Looking back, I’ve always had a natural gravitation towards the creative arts and found a safe-haven within them throughout my life, so finding myself going down this path, just makes sense, but it’s also something I never thought I’d actually do. So when the persistent thought of creating a space to showcase content, my macabre interests, and have a space for my creativity to roam free arose in 2020, I believed I owed it to myself to lean into this natural pull towards creative writing instead of dealing with the what if’s that would come if I didn’t. Read more>>


I chose a career in creating Hip Hop music because I was one of those kids that was heavily influenced in the ’80s by the very popular phenomenon called Hip Hop… When I first seen and heard hip hop music and I saw the impact that it had on people I knew that this was something I wanted to do and as I got older I started writing my own songs and displaying them in front of people and I enjoyed the reaction that I got from them so right then I knew that this kind of music was something that I wanted to be doing for the rest of my life Read more>>

Fredrick Ewelike | Film Director

I chose to pursue a career in filmmaking because storytelling has always been a powerful and transformative force in my life. From a young age, I found solace, inspiration, and joy in the captivating narratives presented on the big screen. The ability of films to evoke emotions, provoke thoughts, and create immersive worlds fascinated me. Read more>>

Zac Stokes | Singer SongWriter

I’ve always felt the need to express myself with my music. It started in mybroom as a youngster inwas doing it for me then it been a privilege that folks enjoy my songs and my journey in this musical adventure! Read more>>

Shekura Mollice | Baker and Cake Designer

I can honestly say, that I didn’t choose this career path. It chose me! From the time I had to write an essay on what I wanted to be when I grew up, that dream was to be a nurse. Back then the artistry of cakes wasn’t as broadcasted as it is now, so a baker wasn’t your “ideal” career selection. I grew up in a big family that wasn’t shy of the kitchen! My mom was known as the baker of the family and that lady taught me everything I know about cakes, pies, candy…you name it! But baking was shown to be something you do to make people happy and a way to express love, never as a career. It wasn’t until after being a struggling college student, my father had suffered a massive heart attack and stroke and was literally expected not to pull through. But by the grace of God he did. I ended up bringing my parents to be with me so I could help my mom care for my dad. Well finances were fighting pretty heavy, and my little minimum wage job wasn’t cutting it and finding a better paying job was slim to none. God specifically told me during that time while laying in my bed one day, “I put it in your hands what to do…bake your way out. “. And ever since then, I’ve been putting my hands to the mixers. I’m literally experiencing so much joy with the freedom to be creative and creating so many beautiful pieces that bring so many smiles to people’s faces. To hear you’ve made someone’s day, or someone cried happy tears because their cake was more than they could have asked for, makes my heart explode with happiness! I feel so blessed to be able to do that. Read more>>