We asked some of the most creative folks we know to open up to us about why they chose a creative career path. Check out their responses below.

D’Marcus McDowell | Photographer

I want to live a life of expression and creation. Growing up, I’ve always loved art. Whether it was drawing, painting, or making something out of nothing, I love that art gave me the opportunity to create and then later to express. I always feel that in life we always express what it is we like/don’t like and the things that we need/ don’t need and with art, it visually expands it 10x more and everyone can either relate or react to it. Why not do that as a career? I’m not really focused on everyone else opinion on my art but with reaction comes impaction and I want to make an impact on either someone or to a group and more with what I create. It gives a sense of purpose Read more>>

Danielle N. McDonough | Author of The Legacy Series

Storytelling has always been very important to me. It inspires people and takes them on incredible journeys. Through books, we are able to meet hundreds of people, live dozens of lives, and visit places we will never see with our own eyes. I knew at an early age that I had many stories to tell and I don’t think there was anything that could have ever stopped me from sharing them with others. By pursuing a creative career as an author, I am doing what I love, following my passion, and hope to inspire others along the way. Read more>>

Christina caldwell Aka cstaccs | I’m a multi-published freelance model, based out of Oklahoma City. I’m also an esthetician and I just graduated college.

I pursued a creative career in modeling because it itself is an art. I wanted to understand the process that goes behind everything, from light setups to poses. I love creating something from nothing and being able to explore different niches and concepts by reenacting them through my own art. Read more>>