What They Know and We Don’t

We asked insiders and experts from various industries to tell us something they think outsiders are unaware of and we’ve shared a few of those responses below.
The number one thing that people are unaware of regarding real estate and specifically being a REALTOR®, is that it’s not a get-rich-quick and live the glamorous life out of the gate career. As a full-time Realtor, you are a therapist, advisor, negotiator, consoler, etc..in addition to your professional duties. Sometimes it is hard period and you have to constantly be thinking ahead; for yourself and your clients. Constantly studying market trends and numbers to ensure that you are at the top of your game. Read more>>
I didn’t study art in school. I wasn’t even the kind of kid to doodle in a notebook! I was a bit of a bookworm and studied medicine my whole life. Until I had children, I was a practicing physician assistant Read more>>
I would say that the one thing about the music industry that outsiders are unaware of is that the majority of musicians rely heavily on each other. Until we achieve our own definitions of success, most, if not everything we do, relies heavily on networking. These interactions can often get interesting, as most of us collaborate with friends and even partners. This is one industry that is truly like being a part of a family, for better or for worse. Read more>>
They are not just balloons. It’s not just blowing them up and putting them together. Professional grade balloons are NOT cheap. So many factors go into effect when it comes to each set up, we have to consider the weather, the surface is going on, if there is one, sun exposure and so many others. It takes a lot of time and patience to find the right color to match the theme. Matching the colors is only the first step. Now blowing them up to the proper shape and size and arranging them its the next hurdle. But the final result is always worth it to me! It’s not as easy as it looks! Read more>>