We asked the community what factors they felt were responsible for their success and we’ve highlighted some of those responses below.

Eric Nwokocha | Photographer & Visual Artist

I think the most important factor behind any of my success is being authentically me in any space that I’m in. One of the things I hear a ton from other aspiring and even established photographers and other business owners is the concept of an “oversaturated market,” also known as the “concept of too many people doing what you want to do so there’s no point in even trying.” Read more>>

Seema Patel | The Bling Queen

My lifelong relationships with every single client or person that I encounter inside and outside my jewelry boutique. Read more>>

Hannah Callen | Photographer

To me success in photography is always seeking to be better and to provide the best product for my clients. To attain this goal of providing the best to my clients I continually seek learning opportunities. Photography to me is a never ending quest for the next level photography. From local mentors, to online classes that offer me that next step in learning process, this learning process provides a better product that my clients see with every gallery. Read more>>

Amber McKinney | Wedding Venue Owner

The most important factor behind the success of our brand is strategy and a heart for service. We prioritized a mindset of service from day one, with the notion that our process had to be repeatable and scalable to be sustainable- personally, financially, and beyond! Read more>>

Jay Maggio | Artist: original landscape oil paintings

My career emerged as a result of last resort. “Last resort” as a result of the mindset of the small community where I grew at that time in my life. The mindset there was “young man it’s great that you are talented but you had better get a real job”. I adhered to that mindset most of my life and after I lost my last job in the auto industry I had nothing to lose at that point and said why not give it a try. So the actual factor behind my success was to do something to survive and support myself financially. Read more>>

Gustavo and Karla Cedillos | KGC Realty Group

The most important factor behind our success has to be our Faith! We believe in reaching people and building lives. We believe that we have been called to help others not just in Real Estate and finding their home but in all aspects of life. We don’t just do transactions, we love people and we love what we do. Our clients are not just clients they become friends and sometimes even family! Read more>>

Lady Tea | Kids’s hairstylist & Hairloss Specialist

The most important to me is consistency. People should be able to set their watch by your hours of operation, the day and times your available. Anything other than that sets your business up for failure. Read more>>

Jordan Thomas | Member of the band Bad Lives

I believe the most important factor that has lead to our rapid success is the fact that we truly love what we do. We are grateful to get to play music as often as we do. The fact that people are connecting with the music and the energy that we bring to our performances is the cherry on top. Read more>>

Dubie D | Entrepreneur & Artist

The most important factor behind my success/brand is getting out of my comfort zone and accomplishing the things I thought was so far fetch doing it all independent with little to no help Read more>>

Dieadrea Mullen | Best Selling Author & Business Owner

The most important factor behind my success as an Author is leaving a legacy for my daughters. Read more>>

Peneka Kelly | Baker but a chef in every aspect.

Being authentic, you are uniquely you. If you are doing something that’s already been done, make it stand out amongst the others. Read more>>

Sasha Ataga, Jon’Nique Johnson | Unveiling Her Podcast

The most important factor behind our success is our faith and relationship with God. We originally decided to start the Unveiling Her Podcast with the intent to help other women strengthen their relationship with God, and help redirect that focus back to Christ. Read more>>