Through our work we have been constantly amazed at the incredible things people in every neighborhood are working on. What’s even more exciting is that they all have different stories, backgrounds, strengths and weaknesses. That there isn’t a single formula for success means that everyone can take their unique set of strengths and characteristics and turn it into a success story. We recently reached out to some folks we admire and asked them what characteristics they feel are responsible for their success.
Kaitlyn Sogga | Professional Makeup Artist & Commercial Realtor
The most important factor behind my success is having knowledge of products and application, being innovated, and keeping personal relationships with everyone I work with. I believe it is important to constantly be working on your skillset to be better. If I am not improving in my career/passion it will lead to being stationary, which will not allow me to be at my full potential. Read more>>
Gary Gregory | Author and Speaker
This is a fun question! Right off the starting line, my brand is my WHO. Also referred to as my calling card or transformational word. My WHO, calling card, and transformational word is SUPERFANTASTIC!. That’s it. I have owned my WHO for several years now. This hyperbole word means more than just a fancy title. It has a unique definition that serves as my personal accountability statement. Read more>>
Caitie Ginn | Embroiderer | Artist
I wouldn’t say that we are completely successful but depends on how you measure it. But no matter what are numbers are, the key to success is to truly care about your customers, for small businesses that is. We genuinely love meeting new people, customer or not, and we rarely forget a face. We take the time to talk to each customer [at markets] at explain who we are and what we do. If anyone likes a certain piece we give them the backstory. Read more>>