Our city is home to so many incredible businesses and so we asked the founders how they came up with the ideas for their businesses and have shared their responses below.

C. Nichole | Entrepreneur & Non-Profit Founder

During my non-profit trips within Africa and Latin America, I learned about the significant number of females who miss their studies simply because they don’t have or can’t afford menstrual products. I started reaching out to menstrual pad companies but soon realized that they either weren’t responding or weren’t willing to sell bulks of pads at wholesale prices. My attitude has always been that I’m not going to keep asking someone repeatedly for something that I need; I’ll just get it done myself. That’s how Wombilee came about, I needed pads for others, and I said why not make something better than even I can use, because if I can use it, I know other women can. Read more>>

Savannah & Taylor Honarbakht & Russell | Libra Rising Collectives Curator & Creator

Libra Rising Collectives is a collaborative business that intersects two different but congenial creative pathways; art and antiquities. We (Savannah & Taylor) came up with the idea of our business from seeing how well we worked together as a team. We each own our own separate small businesses and started attending local pop-up markets in Denton together but under separate names. We quickly recognized that Taylor’s form of art and Savannah’s curated vintage and antique items meshed well with one another. Followed by our alike approach to business and inevitable chemistry with one another; Read more>>

Sara Tynan | Yoga Instructor & Christian Writer

Self Transformation. It began with me. I healed from a bipolar and insomnia diagnosis. I used tools such as breath work, meditation and affirmations. Years later when yoga teaching “fell into my lap” it felt like all the puzzle pieces were coming together and I created a brand that reflected my healing journey SO THAT I could help others. I also ended up writing about that journey and titled the book: So That. This book has become a huge part of my brand as well. Putting all the “tools” together I now have Sara Nicole Yoga. My business has a variety of services but my main focus this year is my yoga classes and my book. I want to use those outlets to help other’s mental health. Read more>>

Tamesha Pearson | Registered Nurse & Certified Nutrition Coach

I am a wife, mom, pediatric nurse, and certified nutrition coach. Soon after having my 2nd child, many hapless events occurred in my life, I felt like my life was in dismay and there were so many factors that were out of my control, but I knew I had to focus on what was in my control. I took a vow to prioritize my health by making adjustments to my lifestyle while creating an environment that would promote wellness in my family and break generational curses of disease and mental illness. Read more>>

Brian Matos | Personal Trainer/Firearms Instructor/Police Instructor – Retired Police Officer (SWAT) & USMC Veteran

After Melinda moved to United States from Australia 6 years ago, we decided to grow our joint passion and experience of fitness into a business. At this time I had currently been a Police Officer for just under 20 years. We noticed that police officers along with other first responders were lacking in their fitness, health and well-being. Law Enforcement on an average are in the top five as most unfit professions. We also saw the need to provide firearms and tactics training for Law Enforcement and civilians. Together we decided that we would focus our business around training police officers. Read more>>