There are so many factors that can play a role in determining our results, performance and ultimately our success, but some factors matter more than others. We asked folks what they felt was the most important factor driving their success.
Mason Griffin | Owner & Photographer
I think staying true to myself has been the biggest catalyst for success for myself and Bard Photography. I spent a lot of years trying to take and edit photos in the style that I felt like my clients at the time wanted. I have learned over the years that it is not an effective or efficient way for me to do photography and it also takes some of the personal art out of it for me. Read more>>
Jennifer Moorehead | Founder/CEO…aka Jupiter Jen
The success of our Science Explorers brand and our programs has been delivering a quality hands-on STEM program for ages 4-11, consistently over the last 24 years. We have not always been perfect, but when we weren’t perfect, we owned it. In the beginning of the pandemic, we had just celebrated 20 years in business with our Best Year Ever! Then we had to cancel 500 programs. So, we re designed our entire business model and kind of scaled Nationally. We are very customer centered and focus on the children. Read more>>
Sharlotte Shay” Johnson | CEO & Strategist for The SAJ Group & OpulentPREM”
The most important factor behind my success and the success of the Opulent brand, is strategy and fortitude. The factor of fortitude is one that I hold onto, no matter what. There have been situations and times when I wanted to give up, throw in the towel because clients took advantage of me, employees and business associates stole from me, and family didn’t support me in entrepreneurship and owning a business. Read more>>