We asked members of the community how their organizations help the community. We’ve shared some of the responses below.

Rosalie Gilbert | Cultural Arts Supervisor, City of Mansfield, TX

The places people want to live, work, and play have arts at the core of their community. Everyday through my work with the City of Mansfield I support, promote, and advocate for vibrant arts and cultural opportunities for Mansfield residents, artists, and arts organizations. Access to the arts, and the new ideas and shared experiences the arts create, spark collective imagination, enrich society, and create thoughtful citizens. Nationally, 7 in 10 Americans say the arts help us understand other cultures and unify us regardless of age, race, or ethnicity (statistic from Americans for the Arts). Annually, Texas spends only $0.34 per person on the arts but the arts produce an amazing return on investment generating $5.9 billion annually for the Texas economy and $350 million in sales tax revenue (statistics from 2017 National Assembly of State Arts Agencies). Read more>>

Kim Muench | Certified Parent Coach and Founder of Real Life Parent Guide

As a Jai Institute for Parenting Certified Coach who works specifically with women parenting adolescents (those ages 10-25), my business, Real Life Parent Guide, helps the community by empowering mothers to become aware of and shift their limiting beliefs, hone their intuition, and gain the confidence needed to help their children grow into their highest potential. The impact is first seen in the family unit, which is then brought into the school and work environment (via the children and the mother who is doing the work), then into the larger local community and, family by family will ripple out into the world. Our kid’s behaviors (the increase in anxiety, depression, suicide, failure to launch) are calling us to evolve the way we parent from one of over children to WITH children. Read more>>

Dr. Marilyn Carroll | Career Consultant

We help to train people on how to re-enter the work force or experience a career rebirth in their profession, business or non profit ventures. The re-birth helps them to become more optimistic, Resilient, hopeful, and understand who they are and what they want to accomplish at this particular time in their life cycle. Read more>>

Gauri Junnarkar | Registered Dietitian, Ayurveda Practitioner and Founder of ‘AyurNutrition

I believe that having good nutrition, focusing on self care, our wellness and managing our stress are the keys to having a good health long term. Each client of Ayurnutrition may walk in with a different wellness concern weight management, Type 1 or Type 2 Diabetes, Prediabetes, Gestational Diabetes, GI issues, Hypertension, Heart Disease, High Cholesterol and Triglyceride, Women’s wellness, stress management or many others. With proper nutrition being a key factor in disease management and prevention, I work together with each person to develop a realistic and personalized wellness plan to ensure long-term healthy habits. With almost a decade of professional experience in evidence-based nutrition, coupled with my Ayurveda roots, Ayurnutrition serves as an innovative and comprehensive private practice promoting balance, nourishment and rejuvenation. Read more>>

Lambretta Woolfolk | Certified Master Pedicurist (CMP) and Certified Podologist (C.pod)

Pure Comfort Spa Clinique LLC helps its community with health and wellness by providing a Spa foot care service…… feet are your foundation and assist you in your everyday life. Your feet promotes running, walking, standing and it bears one’s weight. Our goal is to improve the feet with a Safe, Hygienic and None invasive PediCARE service for people who are affected by problem feet or just in need of plane ole TLC in a stress free environment. Read more>>